Thinking further though.. If they got out on their own, the second wouldn't have hidden out all day long today. That's more a traumatized behavior.
reminds me of a cute video I saw:

Thanks for the link, I add acrylic to the NW side of my coop/run to block wind. Worried they girls could have problems coming down their ramp in the prevailing wind direction. But really thought they are so low to the ground that once they were out, they would be too low for wind to have such a great effect. But they did hang out inside the coop yesterday til we got the wind block up.
If you have toast come out of your nose please make sure someone is videoing.... k thanks.
I'll try to remember to set that up for the next time.
Alright so I finally got the temp and humidity to where it needs to be. Eggs are in but I'm not hopeful. :( I don't see any movement in the eggs anymore. I still see veins, no blood rings either. I wonder if I should chalk it up to a complete loss. She only sat on the eggs for 10 days and then only at night when she stopped being broody for 6 days before I got the bator working.

How do I know for sure if they are dead?

Oh and I hooked up a wTer heater thermostats. It drums off at 100 degrees, but when it comes back on, sometimes the thermometer reads 97. How do I remedy that? Or is not a big deal?

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