Speaking of ice, inside the coop was 10* this morning and the birds were up and walking around like it was nothing. Gave them some scratch and chipped the ice out of the waterer and left em free to do as they please. My wife said they've been in and out all morning playing in the run.
. Has any body ever seen spots on an egg this big

Yep, from a black copper Marans!
Thought I'd share some pictures from the 2015 NYD HAL of my mamas and their babies.

White Silkie chick

White Silkie chicks with Buff Orpington mama and white Silkie mama.

White Silkie, Barn yard mix for the two black chicks and the one with the brown face is a Partridge Silkie. The black one in the back has a white dot on it's head I think that Sex Link chicks are determined to be a roo if it has a white dot on it's head. I'm not sure if that is what this chick is or not.

Easter Egger chick

White Silkie chick sitting between BO mama and White Silkie mama.

This is all the chicks listed from above pictures except the Partridge Silkie and it had jumped out of the nest to follow the white Silkie mama.

BO mama with the black chick with a white spot on it's head.

They made it through the cold last night with the mamas in the coop. It was 13 degrees outside this morning here. I think it was 20 in the large coop where the chicks and mamas are staying. I hope they keep doing good in all this cold. No I didn't use any heat other than chicken heat.

Edited to label pictures.
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I have been getting this large egg from from my black or my blue or blue splash marans the spots are really big this is what they usually look like
. The one with the little spots is how most of them look
Thought I'd share some pictures from the 2015 NYD HAL of my mamas and their babies.

They made it through the cold last night with the mamas in the coop. It was 13 degrees outside this morning here. I think it was 20 in the large coop where the chicks and mamas are staying. I hope they keep doing good in all this cold. No I didn't use any heat other than chicken heat.
How adorable! Thank you for the pictures! What breeds are they?
Thought I'd share some pictures from the 2015 NYD HAL of my mamas and their babies. :D
What a bunch of cuties! Everyone seems to be doing well with the cold here. I stuck a small reptile heat lamp in the coop for my skinny EE, Hawkbait. She's the low one on the pecking order. Otherwise, all my ladies are doing great. Of course my JG are the size of a barge, so they have no problem staying warm!

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