What kind and are they really a pain to raise along with my chickens, are they worth the investment in time etc? I have them on my spring radar, but I've never raised any.

I raised Broad Breasted Bronze yer before last, if you feed them (anyBB's) the turkey/game feed then in 22 weeks they will be at harvest weight, but that is expensive, I fed my birds what ever the chickens ate and they lived with the chickens,my birds free range so Black head was not a problem since they are not pecking eating where they poop for the most part. My biggest bird dressed out at 25 then one at 22, 13 people ate on the first one and all ate white meat and we were still pulling off white meat, awesome, but these are meat birds, they do not reproduce naturally and will usually not live due to weight to laying age, I harvested my birds at about 7 months they were so good. I tried regular turkeys the next year and was so disappointed will not waste time and effort on regular turkey's again
Rome TSC has RIR, ISA brown, one brooder marked pullets and one that says bantams. Theres a dead one in the bantam bin, I told "April" and she said it wasn't.... It clearly is dead and she doesn't want to have to deal with it.....

I'd ask for the manager, but it's her, so.....
I would have picked it up ad said see dead!!!


Help? We were randomly given thus roo by a guy who didn't speak much english, can anyone tell me what breed he is? His tail has an irredescent green to it, feathers around his neck are more gold than the cream color it looks like here.
The guy told me "uhhh....chicken?"

pretty boy, don't know maybe an EE (easter egger) ask flowerbh she will know

to our newbies, we are having a chicken swap/ sell shhh not supposed to sell, but if green gets traded for chicks under the table it's ok, at the tractor supply store in Mcdonough, Ga this saturday starts at 9 am to about 3pm lots of people and fun, come and introduce yourself

Welcome to all our newbies
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Score! I saw where someone took a desk similar to that and made a brooder out of it.

I been using totes for the first few weeks but its too cold to move them outside so now I have to build a big brooder to put in the garage. I have a coop/chicken tractor in the garage that is almost finished but I made it so tall that I cannot use it in my yard because its all hill. I was going to finish it and sell it for $1,200 but if someone would take it and finish it, I would let it go for $650 which is less than what I have in it. I think Feathersaloft is the only one that has seen it. Please spread the word!

That's my inside brooder pictured there. I can move some into a brooder section in the coop, and I have a 40 gallon stock tank outside under the carport I can put some in when they feather out if need be.
I would have picked it up ad said see dead!!!

to our newbies, we are having a chicken swap/ sell shhh not supposed to sell, but if green gets traded for chicks under the table it's ok, at the tractor supply store in Mcdonough, Ga this saturday starts at 9 am to about 3pm lots of people and fun, come and  introduce yourself

Welcome to all our newbies  :welcome

The way they have it set up I couldn't reach it to do that. Did think about it though

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