well, I thought since the leghorn eggs weren't pipping, I'd move them to the cabinet. took them out and moved them over there, and turning the carton around, realized one had pipped on the back side, BELOW the air cell.........talk about sneaky. Probably one of them roosters that will always try to sneak up behind me......:cd
LOL! Sneaky indeed.

If the cabinet isn't holding humidity, how you gonna hatch in it? Speaking of.. I just can't imagine where you're losing humidity if you've plugged most vent holes. It's just strange.
You know, I may have already shared about the hatch I did for a friend, but I just noticed the cool split of color. Out of 15 hatched (started w 18 eggs), four are yellow, five are black/barred, and six are brown. Eggs were a mix of blue, brown and (most were) green. So neat!
LOL! Sneaky indeed.

If the cabinet isn't holding humidity, how you gonna hatch in it? Speaking of.. I just can't imagine where you're losing humidity if you've plugged most vent holes. It's just strange.
I'm not real excited about the heat source he used, so I may be looking into changing that out and putting it on top, with a few more fans. I've been looking at reptile tank misters, it seems to want to stay in the 30's, good enough for incubating I think, then at lock down I can activate the tank mister and put humidity in it.

I really think it's the way he has the fan/heater element coming directly through with a 5-6 inch hole that's bringing in the fresh air. After this hatch and before I set more eggs next week, I'll figure it out
looks like I've killed the thread again.....LOL

ok so far we have 7 AM's out, one more about out. So out of 12 AM eggs, one of which looked to have quit when I candled them, I'm looking at 8 of 11.

on the leghorns, there is one out, though probably not going to make it, it's the one that had sneaked out the lower back side of the shell I found when I was going to move those eggs to the other bator. One more of those are pipped, two more for sure I hear peep peep from, one of those that didn't look viable at lockdown but in there anyway.

Not counting my chickens before they hatch, but it's looking right now like 8 AM's, at least 3 leghorns. so out of 17 eggs that looked viable at lockdown, 11 of 17. better than 50%, much better than the 36% on each of the last two hatches, and there could actually be some of the others just being late.....now if they all survive it, 3 of the AMs are running around like crazy, 1 is still fighting to lose the last half of the shell, one is zipped about all the way around and three look just plum tuckered out :)
So is the Styrofoam bater working for you? I have 22 eggs in lock down, so we will see how many hatch on Saturday

why do you think the one is not going to make it?
I've been using it with the turner for incubating, and the other one I bought for a hatch point. This hatch so far is looking like 3 of 6 leghorns and 8 of 11 ameraucanas are going to hatch. The first leghorn didn't make it, it's the one that surprised me by having a big hole pipped out below the air cell mark and in the back. So much for putting the eggs in a carton with the lowest point of the air cell facing me so I can see the pips..... had I seen that pip, I never would have taken those out of that bator to put in the other one.

I'm not sure if my low hatch rates have been the first 17 days in the turning bator not being right, or the lockdown period in the hatcher not being right, or a combination. I do know there have been some in each hatch that came out like gangbusters and looked like everything must have been done right, the rest, not so much.

I have an AM that hatched out, that didn't take the cord in and some of it's insides aren't inside....it's survived a few hours so far, I'm no surgeon, I had hoped keeping it moist with warm water would help it pull it back in, but it doesn't appear to be helping at all. I know I should put it out of it's misery, but I hate to give up on one that made it out of the shell

I have turned off the cabinet, started taking stuff out of it. tomorrow is supposed to be raining, so will be a good day to start trying to figure out how to undo the mistakes the guy who build it made with it, like that big ole hole he put in it that won't let the humidity come up. I'll get some pics tomorrow of how this thing was made, I'm thinking I'm going to order a heating element from GQF and pick up a few more of the computer case fans I bought before and seal off that gaping hole in the bottom. If I can get a mount figured out for the heat element he used, I may try to utilize it on the inside of the cabinet somewhere and make it work.

I've discussed selling the two styrofoam bators to GAM for school hatching projects, but I will definitely still hatch you the chicks I agreed to as part of our deal, you just need to let me know what kind of mix you want and when
I really love the green eggs I'm getting from the AM/Australorp cross
I was just wondering how it was working for you!! I'm good right now on babies!!! I have 2 people who want some of my chicks, but I'm not selling my BO's I really like them, oh and my Brahama's are staying, Silver Hill has his Astrolorps for sale,, I'd like to get them, they are laying and I have more customers than I have eggs right now. I sold some of my banty's.

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