I'm thinking about re-homing James Bond.
I adore him, but I may be at a point where I have to choose one or the other and y'all know Stanley is my favorite. So, that means definitely the baby chick who may or may not be a boy needs a home and possibly James too.

If anyone might be interested, let me know. I don't want to let him go, but we'll see how this plays out. It might be the best for Stanley and the ladies.
Well, just got my exercise! Let the 5 week olds out today. All but two were more than willing to 'go home'. The other two gave me a merry chase for about 45 minutes! Finally, I went and got two of the other babies and held them out and let them chirp. It drew out the other two and one of the renter kids helped me corral them!

On another note, still not getting many eggs! Only 10 again today (out of about 33 laying hens!) I have one broody and the rest have decided to take a vacation. Oh, and I do actually have 2 that started molting....the NNs molt at weird times!

AND, I still have all 5 baby ducks!!! Ugh!
I think I have decided to take about 10 of my older hens to the Auction Cleveland in two weeks. I have about 50 chickens in the coop. About 20 are newbies. They should start laying around late July-Sept. I am just buying too much feed for chickens who aren't laying.

I've got an Isbar who is still laying although she is one of my older hens. I think I will sell her, too.
I've got a Silkie......always goes broody if anyone wants a broody hen
I've got a young Frizzled hen who likes to go broody, too.
I may end up selling my Lavender Roo and hen for the right price, too. I think I may go with CCL instead. (blue eggs)

Anyone interested?
I'm thinking about re-homing James Bond.
I adore him, but I may be at a point where I have to choose one or the other and y'all know Stanley is my favorite. So, that means definitely the baby chick who may or may not be a boy needs a home and possibly James too.

If anyone might be interested, let me know. I don't want to let him go, but we'll see how this plays out. It might be the best for Stanley and the ladies.
Your avatar is so you!!!
Your avatar is so you!!!

Haha! thanks! My crazy friend from L.A. visited and she talked me into downloading the bitmoji app. It's hilarious. And for now, it's the only way I get to have my long hair again. I can't wait for it to at least touch my shoulders. Right now it's in the in-between mushroom shaped, hair helmet style.

how many injuries did I miss? I just rebuilt the gates to the pool fence and managed to only nick my thumb. Of course, I havent' trimmed them out yet or installed them, so there's still time! And we kayaked/canoed the Chattahoochee for about 6 hours on Sunday and I managed to make it all the way to the end before I scraped my leg getting out when the ride was over. lol

Not too bad for a first time canoe trip.
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I'm sorry to hear flowerBH . I'm getting good amount of eggs (4 out of 5 hens) but I use layer boost in their water on the really hot days and it really helps. I put one water one with it in it and then some fresh water and it seems to be working out great
I have four layers now.. Most days I get four eggs, some days three. Day before yesterday I got one, and thought of you, Flower! But yesterday back to four.

And speaking of chasing chicks around, I let my barred rock HENS out at dusk yesterday. Went out last night to close them up and one was in the pasture outside the wire of the run. Went out to pluck her up and do you know that stinker was (not running, but) walking away from me as if she could see in the dark!? I've never. She was doing a near-flawless job, too! LOL
I have four layers now.. Most days I get four eggs, some days three. Day before yesterday I got one, and thought of you, Flower! But yesterday back to four.

And speaking of chasing chicks around, I let my barred rock HENS out at dusk yesterday. Went out last night to close them up and one was in the pasture outside the wire of the run. Went out to pluck her up and do you know that stinker was (not running, but) walking away from me as if she could see in the dark!? I've never. She was doing a near-flawless job, too! LOL

They can see form at dusk but just cant really see what the form is. That is hilarious that she was just messing with you. She was probably not sure who was after her so she just took her time strolling until she was sure.
Aw! Cute wet baby! What color did she end up being?

Partridge. Just like my one a week older from the dropped eggs.
I need to get the partridge rooster out of there I think. Give someone else a shot.

Well, just got my exercise!  Let the 5 week olds out today.  All but two were more than willing to 'go home'.  The other two gave me a merry chase for about 45 minutes!  Finally, I went and got two of the other babies and held them out and let them chirp.  It drew out the other two and one of the renter kids helped me corral them! 

On another note, still not getting many eggs!  Only 10 again today (out of about 33 laying hens!)  I have one broody and the rest have decided to take a vacation.  Oh, and I do actually have 2 that started molting....the NNs molt at weird times! 

AND, I still have all 5 baby ducks!!!  Ugh!

I play the baby catch game nightly. Well, mine are in a pen, just have to tuck in about 12 who go up the ramp fine all day but can't manage it at bedtime, even with the only light being in the coop.
My egg numbers are down too. But I have 5 Broodies at the moment. Now that I don't want/need their help!

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