How was the auction everyone?
Anyone get anything good?

I was able to scrounge up three 4-week old chicks...guessing based on size and they're feathered out...for $1 each. A little undernourished, but nothing that can't be fixed. Looks like two Dominiques, who appear to be hens, and one splashed something. I'll try to get a good picture today since they're not as scared of me now that I've fed them twice. I wanted the two Buff Orpington they had but decided to leave with my haul after the first went for $11 or $12, can't quite remember. Really couldn't justify paying that when I just got chicks I know will lay.

Otherwise, it was a great time and awesome to finally meet GAM!

Here's the chicks. The 'splash' is probably younger than the others since it's still feathering out. Any clues as to what breed?

Here's the chicks. The 'splash' is probably younger than the others since it's still feathering out. Any clues as to what breed?
Great to meet you and that adorable little girl of yours. Glad you got your babies. I ended up sticking around until it ended. Turns out the money was in goats. They sold for good prices.
Awesome! Glad folks had fun, I'm going to try to make the next one as I should have chicks to sell. (They're due to start hatching tomorrow night! fingers crossed!)
Anyone interested in my Lavender Ameraucanas? I think I am going with Crested Cream Legbars instead. I think the eggs from them are slightly larger. One male and one female . PM me soon if interested. I will be posting them on Craigslist soon if nobody here is interested.



Good points! I never noticed the double combs on the Dominique in the pictures. Still debating, but definitely not Dominique. Their feet/legs are partially pale orange and black. I went back to look at the pictures of my chicks growing up and they look to be around 5 weeks (except the splashed one...it's definitely closer to 3-4 weeks). Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Anyone interested in 17-month-old laying hens, Black Australorps and Buff Orpingtons? I get 12 to 13 eggs /day from 19 of them. PM me if interested. I also have for sale some Roosters from an English BO Roo and American BO hens that are 13 weeks and as large as my grown hens.

Young Rooster

I'm wrapping up my coop (ok, wrapping up may be wishful thinking, but I do feel like I'm getting there) and am trying to make sure I'm not overlooking anything - does anyone keeping chickens inside the Atlanta city limits have any input on what predators they've seen and that I should be especially paying attention to doing something specific to keep them out?


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