I understand, I'm sure it's interesting. I'd get into trouble, telling potential buyers that this bird is sick, stay away, that bird has lice, watch it, LOL. Yeah, I'd get into trouble, like when I go to the straight run Barred Rocks and sex them for customers.
I do that at TSC when some one wants a hen, yep I get looks from the employees and we are not supposed to do that.
I understand, I'm sure it's interesting. I'd get into trouble, telling potential buyers that this bird is sick, stay away, that bird has lice, watch it, LOL. Yeah, I'd get into trouble, like when I go to the straight run Barred Rocks and sex them for customers.

Oh, by the way, welcome to BYC!

Ty ty! Yeah I've had a few moments. Mostly explaining to 90% of people, no that's not a dominique..
Ty ty! Yeah I've had a few moments. Mostly explaining to 90% of people, no that's not a dominique..
Ack, you hit on my pet peeve! But, I detest the term "Dominecker". First, it's Dominique, second, if it has a single comb, it's not one. I had a huge discussion in a feed store once. The label actually said "Domineckers". It was a brooder full of Barred Rocks. I told the lady that I bred BRs, I know one when I see one, not to mention that "dominecker" is not a breed at all. She said the FFA guy did not mention it, as if that meant anything. I bought my first rooster from an FFA kid. He was fed only corn, had lice and favus and was in a dark, dank pen in the woods with a huge turkey who was beating him up regularly. I grabbed the big color breed book to show her the difference, but she wasn't having it. Said, maybe the comb changed later. ARGH! Don't you love willing ignorance, another of my pet peeves, LOL.

Folks used to come here and say, Oh, is that a Dominecker? Noooo, it is a Barred Plymouth Rock, a different breed entirely. They looked at me in total confusion.
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Ack, you hit on my pet peeve! But, I detest the term "Dominecker". First, it's Dominique, second, if it has a single comb, it's not one. I had a huge discussion in a feed store once. The label actually said "Domineckers". It was a brooder full of Barred Rocks. I told the lady that I bred BRs, I  know one when I see one, not to mention that "dominecker" is not a breed at all. She said the FFA guy did not mention it, as if that meant anything. I bought my first rooster from an FFA kid. He was fed only corn, had lice and favus and was in a dark, dank pen in the woods with a huge turkey who was beating him up regularly. I grabbed the big color breed book to show her the difference, but she wasn't having it. Said, maybe the comb changed later. ARGH! Don't you love willing ignorance, another of my pet peeves, LOL.

Folks used to come here and say, Oh, is that a Dominecker? Noooo, it is a Barred Plymouth Rock, a different breed entirely. They looked at me in total confusion.

I've got gold Cuckoo Marans coming. Maybe I should market it as a new dominique color haha
Finally got my order in for this year. Includes: Silver and Gold laced Wyandotte's, New Hampshire Reds, Barnevelders,Golden Cuckoo Marans, Swedish Flower Hens, and Easter Eggers. I'm excited to get rolling again. Completely sold out a few months back. Oh and Call Ducks are 11 days from hatching!

I feel your excitement! Congrats on your new chicks! You ordered some fun chicks and if you mix them, will get some fun funky different colored egg layers!

Oh, but so sad you have the wrong tiger as your avatar! War Eagle! hahahhahahahah!
I feel your excitement!  Congrats on your new chicks!  You ordered some fun chicks and if you mix them, will get some fun funky different colored egg layers!

Oh, but so sad you have the wrong tiger as your avatar!  War Eagle!  hahahhahahahah!  ;)

Yeah it'll be a mixed flock. I'm working on an improved area for breeding.

It's perfectly fine. Common enemy! ANYONE BUT BAMA!
Ack, you hit on my pet peeve! But, I detest the term "Dominecker". First, it's Dominique, second, if it has a single comb, it's not one. I had a huge discussion in a feed store once. The label actually said "Domineckers". It was a brooder full of Barred Rocks. I told the lady that I bred BRs, I know one when I see one, not to mention that "dominecker" is not a breed at all. She said the FFA guy did not mention it, as if that meant anything. I bought my first rooster from an FFA kid. He was fed only corn, had lice and favus and was in a dark, dank pen in the woods with a huge turkey who was beating him up regularly. I grabbed the big color breed book to show her the difference, but she wasn't having it. Said, maybe the comb changed later. ARGH! Don't you love willing ignorance, another of my pet peeves, LOL.

Folks used to come here and say, Oh, is that a Dominecker? Noooo, it is a Barred Plymouth Rock, a different breed entirely. They looked at me in total confusion.

X 2!!! Also, trying to tell everyone at the feed stores they have Easter Eggers and not Ameraucanas or Araucanas! When all the chicks in the bins are different colors! They just don't get it!
X 2!!! Also, trying to tell everyone at the feed stores they have Easter Eggers and not Ameraucanas or Araucanas! When all the chicks in the bins are different colors! They just don't get it!

What makes me nuts is they act personally insulted if you inform them what they actually have, as if you insulted their children. Folks, it's chickens, not world peace. So, you have EEs, not Ameraucanas or Araucanas. They'll most likely still lay colored eggs, which is usually the point with most people. Me, I love my BBS Ameraucanas as well as my EEs. I have one hen who is 1/2 Blue Wheaten Ameraucana and 1/2 EE. She lays gorgeous turquoise blue eggs. But, I call her an EE. She could almost pass for a Wheaten Ameraucana. I have a 9 year old EE hen who was a breeder project, trying to create Salmon Ameraucanas, but obviously, she was far from that. But, my black Ameraucana hen and my splash Ameraucana hen are 9 years old as well. They have the better personality, though their eggs were smaller than my EE.

No, they don't get it, not at all. Thanks to misleading advertising and plain old deception by the hatcheries on this one.

ETA: And hatcheries creating the hybrid mutt layers and giving them exotic names cracks me up. How about "Asians"? Tetra Tints? Dixie Rainbows? They'd be better to improve what they have, IMO, than create all these other things.
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The latest sales pitch I heard at a feed store that was selling chicks was the following: "Ninety percent of the chicks we get and sell are pullets." The store owner said this with a straight face while I was looking an older chick in the bin that was obviously a cockerel. Preying on customers like that isn't cool or smart for a retail business.

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