So this Georgia forum must have magical powers because every time I post about a chicken not laying yet, it lays. We now have all three laying. I guess the biggest girl was a late bloomer. Or the smaller ones were early. Either way, I'm glad. Still miss my favorite, kazooie.

@Tabasco Jack I didn't think to ask do you meet half way? I think where you stay is about an hour from me. If we can meet up I will buy ten 6 week quail from you (If available). I started building today. Mostly done. Just need wire, paint, and my door. If it doesnt storm all day tomorrow, i should complete it tomorrow.

I know I'm behind but I'm so sorry to hear about your bad day @livhatcher :hugs
I was asking about some places to buy chickens at in Middle Ga a week or so ago and wanted to update you fellow Georgians. I decided to go to Orchid Hills and check out the Svart Honas. Every bird I saw was healthy and beautiful. Customer service was amazing. Would definitely recommend these super nice people to anyone looking for good quality birds. Oh and I'm the proud owner of 4 Svart Honas now!!!
I was asking about some places to buy chickens at in Middle Ga a week or so ago and wanted to update you fellow Georgians. I decided to go to Orchid Hills and check out the Svart Honas. Every bird I saw was healthy and beautiful. Customer service was amazing. Would definitely recommend these super nice people to anyone looking for good quality birds. Oh and I'm the proud owner of 4 Svart Honas now!!!
WTGO! Hope your wife is pleased with them as well! They are beautiful birds.

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