Yogiman, Here's Your Answer on the Blue Orpingtons


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
Well, Rog, your inbox is full, so here's the answer, LOL. That does sound like alot of Splashes in a small group, but it may just be the luck of the draw, genetically. I rarely get a splash, maybe one from each hatch, if I'm lucky.
In this breed the cockerels feather out VERY slowly on their backs and under their wings. Suede was almost completely bald for two weeks on his back, poor thing. Also, the sides of their necks are sort of bare sometimes. The girls feather out much more evenly. And the boys do appear more bobtailed. So yep, you're right. The combs on the Orps are not usually large like BRs, so sometimes it's hard to tell by those, but the boys get wattles quicker than the girls. Hope this helps.
Thanks so much for your answer. That sure helps me. I going back to look some more.
Sorry about the inbox being full. To much fan mail. lol I flushed it.
Yogi, need toliet paper?????
EweSheep asks:
Yogi, need toliet paper?????

Ya' know something Robin. At this point in the juncture I have no ideal what it is I need. Probably toilet paper and some professional therapy would help. Is there a doctor in the house?
I can't ever remember not having chickens, being around them and handling literally thousands of them in my life time. Never proclaimed to know all there is to know about them and still don't. Was doing just fine in life too. Just me and my buff orpingtons.
Then one day by some quirk I stumbled upon BYC and all these fine folks. Then I learned about blue, black, splash, lavender and mottled orpingtons and things have not been the same for me since. All I am able to do now is just say hugh? Dugh! and feel like a babbling idiot.

Then there's this certain person, no name mentioned, that just would not let well enough alone until "they" (she) brainwashed me into ordering a bator. So now the $64K dollar question is: WHAT NEXT?
Yeppers,,, Got eggs!.....Now I know who the enabler is...LOL

post pics and "we" will tell ya what you have cockerals or pullets..."we' are good !!!! You running back and forth looking at your chicks?

Yeah, I gotta quit reading all these posts on here about them dang blue orps. I'm running back and forth looking and getting more confused each time, if that is possible. You women folk are messing with my head.

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