
Any 'all natural' type yoghurt will do. Otherwise look up Miss Prissy's thread in the recipe section for instructions on how to make the best yoghurt you have ever tasted (I guarantee you won't want to be sharing much of it with the chickens!).

This is why mine usually only get the extra whey! My raw yogurt is too darned good to feed to a chicken lol.
My chicks go crazy for yogurt!!!! I have been mixing about 2 tablespoons of crumble into 1/4 cup plain organic yogurt and they literally climb INTO the bowl and all over eachother to get to it! LOL
Oddly enough, I like yogurt made with powdered milk more than that made from whole milk. And yet I can't stand powdered milk. But that's ok, it's a lot cheaper that way!
I mix homemade kefir/youghurt with feed powder that is left in the feeder, my girls absolutely love it!!! Helps to keep waste of feed to a minimum.
yesterday we gave the girls yogurt for the first time, I went for the cheapest at one of our local supermarkets 59p for a large tub added banana to it and stood back, at first they were not to sure the chickens that is but the ducks were right in there, next it was so funny watching 7 chickens and 3 ducks covered in yogurt but enjoying the yogurt. I should have taken photos of them, covered from head to feet, the next 30 minutes was spent with the chickens cleaning themselves the duck went for a bath! How often can they have yogurt, tonight i mixed it in with their layer mash which didn't last very long, then they were looking for more. thanks julie
You just don't want it to have tons of sugar.

X2!!! Chickens don't need all of that extra sugar, and be very sure that whatever you choose doesn't have any artificial sweeteners. When we give our yogurt, we give them Fage Total 2%.

On clearance, Kroger brand plain Greek, yogurt for our birds!

...and this is what they look like right before they do the head shake that sprays yogurt all over YOU!

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