You guys are killing me! Update on page 4

100% agreement! Look at Hershey's shoulders--See the "patch of copper coloring?? rooster-also saddle feathers...The other has a distinct Pattern on HER shoulders...not one big blotch of coloring-her "saddle " feathers are rounded at the ends...
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i say females!! my chicks are getting the same coloring on them. and im betting females. urs look like girls. u would know by now if they were roos. they would be mountin the other hens. i had a roo mate with hens at 4 months old. and all eggs were fertile and hatched. soo if ur not seeing thme act rooish i say hens.
I brahmas take forever to grow....slowly...the first one is a roo hands roos don't even think about the nasty until 5-6 months and took my main silver laced brahma roo 8 months to crow...
We have no other roosters. We dont want roosters (unless they dont crow lol).

When do they get interested in the hens? Cause there is no interest whatsoever
Ok, you guys did not follow directions. You were supposed to be in consesus.

The only agreement seems to be that cocoa is a pullet. But if Hershey is a roo I am pretty sure cocoa is too cause he/she looks just like Hershey did a month ago and cocoa is a month younger.

I would be thrilled if Cocoa is a pullet and Hershey is a roo that does not crow, though I would like him to breed the girls. Especially since we had sick chickens that will not be able to bring in new chickens. I will need to hatch out my own replacements. BUT cant have a rooster crowing all the time with my neighboors.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize that they are different ages. In that case, it's very possible that Cocoa is also a roo as well. Sorry if that isn't what you are pulling for.
I agree.

ve, haven't seen ya around in a while.
So Hershey is definitely a roo! I had surgery two weeks ago and so I hadnt been out (hubby has been taking care of them) and I went out to see them the other day and wow, what beautiful saddle feathers and long curly tail. The comb is not huge, but is red (though not as red as the pol pullets)

If the age is right and he was from a may hatch, he has to be 7 months old. Guess what, still not crowing! He walks like a guy though.

Could I be blessed enough to have a rooster that does not crow? I would love to keep a rooster, the crowing was the issue (we are in the middle of a city.) Is it possible that he may never crow?

Cocoa, is still suspect. He/she has not changed since I was out before and the comb is still not red at all. The tail and saddle feathers are still not long (but it is a month younger)

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