You Know your Addicted When???? (Game)

When you find that a BYCer 50 miles from you has lavender silkie eggs and tell the whole class.
I knew I was addicted when I started attempting to "convert" people into chicken owners...actually worked on one person so far! LOL

I know I am now absolutely SHAMELESS in my addiction because I have several friends/relatives who save scraps for my flock, even my boss's family!!! LOL Whenever I see pizza crusts, discarded lettuce from a burger, etc. @ restaurants, I think, "Ooooo! Chicken treats!!!" & so do they! LMBO Hey, you can just call it a "doggie" bag. No one ever has to know the dirty lil secret.....
you know when your addicted when...

you put your best $200 quilt in the henhouse to make sure they are warm(if anybody ever did that)

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