You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

Every single holiday!!

The only difference for me is to also feed the cats instead of dogs.

We hosted thanksgiving dinner and I literally had to get up in the middle of dessert to make sure everyone was in the coop before the automatic door closed!!
Oops I forgot my Cat too..I had fed the Horses before I
When you go grocery shopping and you go to the marked down produce first looking for treats for the chickens before getting your own food. I also cook pancakes for the chickens using the fines from the bottom of chicken feed. I'm very small so my muck boots are from the kids department pink with peace signs on them and I don't care who see me in them. I love my chickens , I sure my neighbors think I a bit nuts.
My feet are tiny too..Kids sizes...
You're seriously disappointed to find that this great gal you've been dating doesn't care for chickens OR eggs.

True story, BTW.:hit

Heh... I have a vacation to go on in July... My 21 yr old daughter who's not going, can't watch my chickens, even though she's going to be at the house to take care of the dogs, because she's terrified of them. My exbf's mom told her they could seriously injure her, and she believed it, so now she's terrified.
Heh... I have a vacation to go on in July... My 21 yr old daughter who's not going, can't watch my chickens, even though she's going to be at the house to take care of the dogs, because she's terrified of them. My exbf's mom told her they could seriously injure her, and she believed it, so now she's terrified.
My neighbour was playing with a baby chick in the back of her cousins car and he saw it and ran around the yard screaming. It’s so sad how people are terrified of chickens. :( :gig
My neighbour was playing with a baby chick in the back of her cousins car and he saw it and ran around the yard screaming. It’s so sad how people are terrified of chickens. :( :gig
A friend of mines dds bf is a cop, he actually pepper sprayed one of her roos because it walked tword him. In a very non aggressive manner mind you. It's the most docile roo I have ever met and I have a lot of great roos.
You know you're a BYCO when... You say you can't go to your friend's house for dinner because you're waiting for chicks to hatch.

You know you're a BYCO when... When a New friend (Dylan) comes knocking on my door saying all 30 of my girls are out... And you instantly say come help, lol. Btw, he has no problem helping me. He likes chickens.

You know you're a BYCO when... When mom says she is kicking me out of her house because she thinks I may be becoming a chicken.

You know you're a BYCO when... when you go into the house forget you put eggs in your pockets and sit... Crack and egg are spilling out of your pockets. Dang.
If your spouse owns at least one of these.

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Best to discover incompatibility sooner than later.:hugs
There are lots of chicken loving gals out there, I'm sure you have noticed while hanging out here, you'll find the one that fits best with you in time! Be patient...:love
She doesn't dislike them, she's just very nervous near them.

Hmm, she definitely :love:love the "porgs" in The Last Jedi though, maybe I should get a couple more chicks...? :rolleyes:

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