You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

When you jump out of bed & run out the door in a foot of snow at 3 AM on Christmas Eve because your husband woke up and commented that he couldn't remember if he closed the pop door on the chicken coop. :he Of course, it was closed... on the plus side, the kids were thrilled... they thought it was Santa's tracks in the snow!! :lau
That's great! :lau
you know you are a backyard duck owner
When you are in a store and buy stuffed animals for the ducklings to snuggle in.
When you talk about your flock to people describing in detail what they are like and their personalities. (they might look at you funny, but who cares!).
And when you have "duck boots", and "nice boots."
you know you are a backyard duck owner
When you are in a store and buy stuffed animals for the ducklings to snuggle in.
When you talk about your flock to people describing in detail what they are like and their personalities. (they might look at you funny, but who cares!).
And when you have "duck boots", and "nice boots."
What are nice Boots?
You're allergic to chickens and yet you are a chicken keeper? How's that work?
It works ...I make it work. When Coop needs cleaning my Son does the hauling and I take Reactin. Next day Im totally plugged up and my eyes are puffy..Oh well..
When you decide its easier to just pick the poop poosicles out of the coop and throw them only to find out you didn't throw them far enough and now you must insist your dog(s) drop the poopsicles so that you can throw them further (because its too cold to go to the compost pile). :lau

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