You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

When you buy harnesses and leashes for your future house cockerels. :D
I have a harness and leash but have never really used it as I am terrified one of the many, MANY free-roaming house dogs around our street will tear one of my chickens apart. We had a close-call scare once and after that I figured they were happy enough with their run :idunno
When your dog sits in front of you giving you the worshipful puppy dog face, then she lifts her paw to shake, lays down, and speaks... all the whole time, you continue cutting up old pepperoni pizza, old salad... and have to explain to her that these treats are for the girls, and pup can't have any!

When you announce the temp inside the coop, and hubby (who is so not a chicken person) keeps suggesting that you put up a heat lamp.
City Slicker joke
So this man from the city goes to a chicken hatchery and he buys 500 leghorn chicks. A couple weeks later he comes back and buys 500 americauna chicks. 3 weeks later he goes back to the hatchery and buys 500 RIRs the hatchery owner says to him you must be starting a big chicken farm. The city slicker says yah but I can't get any of them to grow I don't know if I'm planting them to close or to far.

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