You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

Y girls always seemed to pick the places that I had just planted bulbs or plants as a perfect spot to dustbathe even though I mulched under their favorite pine tree, but no they have to dust bathe in the newly landscaped garden :barnie
Just remember, they think everything you do is for them. And they are very grateful! And they do give you eggs!
Y girls always seemed to pick the places that I had just planted bulbs or plants as a perfect spot to dustbathe even though I mulched under their favorite pine tree, but no they have to dust bathe in the newly landscaped garden :barnie
Good to know! Maybe a little reverse psychology for the birds is in order. Such as put a little mulch and birdseed where you want them to till for you!
Good to know! Maybe a little reverse psychology for the birds is in order. Such as put a little mulch and birdseed where you want them to till for you!
Part of the reason they would tear apart any place I planted plants was because they were looking for worms even though I have them the ones that I dug up when planting the plant.

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