You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

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When you keep the old tires from your car laying around for over a year because you know you will eventually turn them into dust baths when you stop procrastinating and re-do the coop and run, which I finally did :D
I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to steal that old tire dust bath idea :D
Or when I feel panic rising up when my parents say we’re taking a 2 week vacation. Nuuuu! I refuse to leave my chickens In the care of anyone else for two whole weeks!
2 weeks?! I get crazy worried when I have to leave them in someone else’s care for even one night.
You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...
You live under a 5-Hen-0-Rooster limit law so you start searching for a place in the country so as to increase your flock size
Or you just raise your chickens in your basement, like 3 roosters, so the cops don't hear them crowing. Seriously I know a lady who does this
When you have 36 chicken eggs and 8 duck eggs in the incubator plus 4 ducks in the brooder chickens in the chicken house and 9 go to rural king and come home with this.....enough said:th

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