You May Call Us Rodents or Vermin, But You Dont Know Us Yet - The RP(Role Play)

Ashton blushed. "Well thank you Xavier." She stood with a place of food in her mouth and went to return to her kits

Saratoga told her thanks right before she left then ate pieces of the food
Saratoga flapped her wings and stretched. She looked to see the sun sinking behind the buildings. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She said and went to fly to a place to sleep.
Saratoga, perched in a tree. Her feathers ruffled to hold her body heat in. She closed her eyes and tucked her head beneath a wing

Ashton curled around her kits to keep them warm, although it was spring the nights were still quite cold
Xavier and Solander flew down to the hundred year oak tree they called home. They each found their favorite perch to sleep on. At least Xavier did. Because he knew, that once Solander thought he was asleep, he'd sneak over to sleep next to him. But Xavier pretended not to notice and Solander pretended he didn't do it. Xavier thought to himself, 'today was a pretty good day'. He then turned his head to tucked his beak on top of his wing and sat still as he waited. He smiled, as Solander came tiptoeing over. He then slowly went to sleep.
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Ok :D Dusty woke up and her stomach growled like a hungry lion. She flew over to solander and Xavier to invite them to join. She snuck up and scared them half to death.

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