You May Call Us Rodents or Vermin, But You Dont Know Us Yet - The RP(Role Play)

Dusty replied "think of it this way, if they weren't stupid we couldn't have so much fun!' Dusty ruffled her feather and swooped down again to ring the doorbell...
Saratoga nodded in agreement. "True."

Ashton just sat and watched. She turned and jumped from the ledge to a dumpster then to the ground. She walked to the restraunt next door to rob their trash cans
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I rummage threw garbage cans and get it all over their lawn..." "Ooh! I also swoop inside open windows and mess with their vases etc like braking stuff :D"
Solander looked at Dusty and said, "Are you no afraid humans catch you?!" He asked, alarmed on Dusty's behalf.

Xavier glared at Solander then cackled out, " Oblivious she's not, because she is still free and is standing right here. She must be pretty good at it, you knit wit!" Xavier shook his head as he looked back at Dusty and smiled.
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Dusty smiled at Xavier "I only do it to the families I don't like.... I had a nest in a tree when a group of kids climbed up with a ladder (after pelting me with rocks) took my eggs, and smashed them against a tree." "I got even though " dusty said evilly
Xavier looked at Dusty with real compassion. "Dusty, that is truly a terrible thing to have to live though. I'm so sorry you had to endure that hardship. These humans are cold and heartless most days. But especially the young ones." Xavier glared down at the ground as the humans walked around mindlessly.

Solander cackled out a sad sound, " It be me brother who be killed by kid'n'shot. He be happy one second, next fall down broken wing. Kid came over, who shot him. Stomp him dead with foot. Me watch whole thing. me know you feel. It hurt in heart. Me make understanding me?" Solander tried to explain to Dusty. " I no have good words, but me try." He explained.

Xavier looked over at Solander then back to Dusty, " He wants to know if you can understand what he said and means? He was young, his brother was teaching him language. If you don't, I'll translate for you." He said on his friends, Solander's behalf.
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Saratoga nearly cried, that is so sad. Why are humans so heartless? Saratoga had heard a story from Dusty also, she had never laid eggs or even thought of them. Why start now? Spring is nearly over anyway, so the warm days of summer will be here in at least a week or more depending

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