You May Call Us Rodents or Vermin, But You Dont Know Us Yet - The RP(Role Play)

Name: Autumn.
Species: Fox.
Gender: Female.
Age: Two.
Location: Town/City.
Personality: Fun, weird, adventurous and friendly.
Username: ChickenShan.
Other: I enjoy being weird and interesting. XD
Charlotte smiled, she continued down the path. She noticed all of the plants that grew through the gaps in the path.
(Would you like me to make a character that Lace can RP with? :) )

Lena watched the hustle and bustle of city life. It was hard to think that they were in it right now. She never would have thought, she'd have dared to journey into such madness. But she was eager to get back to the park. She looked over at Charlotte who as beside her and said, "This concrete is very hot on the feet, why do humans not like grass to walk on?"
Lena watched the hustle and bustle of city life. It was hard to think that they were in it right now. She never would have thought, she'd have dared to journey into such madness. But she was eager to get back to the park. She looked over at Charlotte who as beside her and said, "This concrete is very hot on the feet, why do humans not like grass to walk on?"

"I don't know," Charlotte replied, shrugging. "I've never understood humans."
Lace wandered about, turning corners, but she stopped and scampered back around the corner when she caught sight of a fox, she wasnt really scared of them, but on occasion they made snacks out of mice.

Autumn wandered over to the small mouse. She sniffed it then walked over to the large pile of rubbish that stood behind it. She started to flick through the rubbish for something to eat.

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