You might be a “Southie” if...

I really cannot help myself on this one.. trust me I tried to not write this..but it’s just too good to pass on it..

You might be a Southie if you think rosary beads are a nice necklace...

One Christmas we went to a Walmart in Florida... there was a bell ringer outside she had on a parka.. snowmobile type pants a hat pulled down over her ears and was shaking cold...

We had on cut offs and flip flops and a light short sleeve shirt... it was about 45 degrees..

Southies are whimps when it comes to a little chill...
Southies are whimps when it comes to a little chill...

It's an undeniable statement. I think some of us just get excited to put on something other than flip flops and t-shirts, lol. Though I was not psychologically prepared for 29 degrees when it was 79F not even 24 hours earlier! :lol: Our weather is more bipolar than a northie!! Look I married to a northerner so I'm definitely stepping out of line with my northie jokes but I feel like putting up with his moody butt for 17 years gives me joking privelges. ;)

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