You might be a crazy chicken lady/gent if...Go on, post yours!

That's what I did all day today! I converted a Little Tyke's Playhouse into a coop for the 4 youngest (8 wks old) chickens, two of which are bantams. I have other bantams, too, but as I was working on this grow-out coop, I started thinking how I could move everybody around some and just keep the banties in this playhouse later on when everybody's all integrated.

I have tomorrow off - I'll be putting up a temporary fence so they can go outside after a few days. Right now, they have to stay inside to "learn" this is their new home. Plus the dog is far too interested in them!

So cute
You might be a crazy chicken lady when you:

Take a cell phone picture of the backside of a roosting hen, then immediately send it to several friends with the caption "Guess What? Chicken Butt!"


While none of them found it as hilarious as I did, none of them were surprised, either.
If, while looking through your woodpile during a rare break in the rain, you happen upon a pile of overwintering grubs. The stop what you're doing (nevermind that the rain will resume any minute and dark is quickly approaching and you have to work the next five days so this is your last chance to look for wood all week) to scoop them up and take them to your chickens.
The chickens, seeing you approach with a thing in your hand, run up excited, then stare at you blankly when they realize you only brought them something they could find on the ground, instead of something 'good'. They continue to stare at you as you walk away.

Then, back to the project at hand, you are nearly done with your new greenhouse that you have wanted for years. As you pull the plastic sheeting over the frame, you realize this could double as a great brooder for the new chicks you have on order.
You might be the crazy chicken lady when:

You go to a bar on Mardi Gras, meet a complete stranger, and spend 30 minutes talking to them about chickens!
(As it turns out, they used to raise chickens when they lived in another state!)
You might be a mad chicken person when you use a very expensive Computer Modeling Software designed for Aerospace to create her perfect chicken coop.

insert mad scientist smily here if there was one.... with a chicken minion..... bwahahahah

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