You Might Be Chicken Obsessed If.......

When people call and ask what you're doing and you say "chillin with my peeps" and you mean it in a literal sense.

When you consider spending time watching your chickens as real therapy.

When you name them after some of you close friends cause they remind you of your friends personalities.
-when you drive by someone's house who has a shed and you say oh look at how nice that would be for a chicken coop!
-when you do your homework with your favorite chicken sitting in your lap.
-when you have 500 pictures of your birds on facebook.
-when you are late for marching band because you are out spending time with your chickens.
-when your family stops talking to you, because you'll respond with something about chickens
-if your room is covered in pictures of chickens
-when you have subscriptions to multiple chicken magazines
-when you go shopping, your looking for new things for your chickens
-when all you want for christmas is a new coop
Um, I think you all are talking about ME behind my back.... this sounds WAY too familiar!!! LOL:lol:

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