Young rooster vs old rooster

SA gardener

May 23, 2020
Johannesburg, South Africa
Now that I'm 100% sure that one of my "hens" is actually a rooster, I'm starting to think of the possible problems associated with keeping it
It is starting to crow increasingly often and considering that my coop/run is a mere 10 metres ( 10.94 yards) from the neighbours house, I can only hope that they tolerate the crowing all day long (closer to their house than it is to mine 😂)
My questions are
1)Will the roosters crow become louder with age or will only the frequency of occurrence increase ?
2)Do roosters eat more than hens ?
3)Will the high levels of calcium in the layers mash affect them ?
4)Is it worthwhile to keep one ? if I'm not planning on hatching eggs in an incubator, just hoping one of the hens go broody
5)Do fertile eggs have a smaller unrefrigerated shelf life ?

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