Your Anxiety/Depression stories and how ducks have helped


In the Brooder
May 24, 2016
I am trying to create a list of people that have had pet ducks for awhile and have had amazing success stories with either just keeping them or solving an emotional disorder.
My community doesn't allow ducks, but I am going to the board to get them to change their rule. I would hate to get rid of my beloved animals I love them so much.
Any feedback would be awesome

Thanks so much

FYI. My board meeting is tomorrow at 6:45 in CA
Um hi and welcome to BYC I am glad you could join us. I don't have ducks or a depression that I know of, but my gram does because of the loss of her son and her sons girlfriend. And her son had kids so he one had chickens so she named one its name was Annie. I have Annie now and three of her sisters. But she is now going for shock treatments for her depression.
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I have had ducks for more than six years now, and for me, they have been quite therapeutic. Even if I wake up kinda blue and not feeling energetic or inspired, their calls draw me dutifully to the pen to begin the day's "duck dooty." By the time I see them in the pen, I have a smile on my face. They are relentlessly cheerful. A friend of mine remarked, "you cannot remain depressed in the company of ducks!"

Not only are they cheerful, their behavior is fascinating and more complex and sophisticated than one might imagine. My outlook on life has greatly improved just from their example. They greet each day with enthusiasm, they recover from startles quickly, and their motto is "laissez les bon temps roulez."

Visitors to the flock have been of all ages, and they greatly enjoy these friendly birds. Neighbors smile and sometimes bring treats, many enjoy the duck eggs, and it is difficult to find a slug on my property since the ducks arrived. They are beautiful and fascinating. Staff at the grocery store where I shop have asked to be able to come see them. My ducks have fans!!!

Neighbors tell me the flock is quiet when I am not at home, until they hear my car coming down the street. And their occasionally calling is much quieter than the engines of the motorcycles ridden by my neighbors, and quieter than the chainsaws and mowers regularly used here.
I am a licensed clinical psychologist in California and mom to two special needs with Autism and one with Schizophrenia. As their sole caregiver and a single mom I struggle with anxiety and depression from time to time. We are in the long process of starting a therapeutic farm and we got our ducks 8 wks ago to serve as therapy animals for ourselves and clients.

Boy, have they ever fit the bill...pun intended. They have helped stabilize and regulate my daughter with schizophrenia and they help my daughter and I with easing anxiety. Whether it's watching them outside or holding them for a cuddle on the couch, they have a wonderfully therapeutic quality that is unmatched by our 4 other certified service and/or emotional support animals,

You appear to be talking about them as emotional
support animals. Unfortunately, ES animals are not covered by any federal laws as far as trumping state or city laws and ordinances. That said, I think you can make a compelling case for why they SHOULD be allowed as emotional support animals. Is there a reason you are going to the board....i.e. Has someone reported you to animal control? If so, what was the complaint? If you give some details we may be able to help you counter and concerns they may have!
I have had ducks for more than six years now, and for me, they have been quite therapeutic.  Even if I wake up kinda blue and not feeling energetic or inspired, their calls draw me dutifully to the pen to begin the day's "duck dooty."  By the time I see them in the pen, I have a smile on my face.  They are relentlessly cheerful.  A friend of mine remarked, "you cannot remain depressed in the company of ducks!"

Not only are they cheerful, their behavior is fascinating and more complex and sophisticated than one might imagine.  My outlook on life has greatly improved just from their example.  They greet each day with enthusiasm, they recover from startles quickly, and their motto is "laissez les bon temps roulez."

Visitors to the flock have been of all ages, and they greatly enjoy these friendly birds.  Neighbors smile and sometimes bring treats, many enjoy the duck eggs, and it is difficult to find a slug on my property since the ducks arrived.  They are beautiful and fascinating.  Staff at the grocery store where I shop have asked to be able to come see them.  My ducks have fans!!!

Neighbors tell me the flock is quiet when I am not at home, until they hear my car coming down the street.  And their occasionally calling is much quieter than the engines of the motorcycles ridden by my neighbors, and quieter than the chainsaws and mowers regularly used here.
Thank you so much for sharing :)
I am a licensed clinical psychologist in California and mom to two special needs with Autism and one with Schizophrenia. As their sole caregiver and a single mom I struggle with anxiety and depression from time to time. We are in the long process of starting a therapeutic farm and we got our ducks 8 wks ago to serve as therapy animals for ourselves and clients.

Boy, have they ever fit the bill...pun intended. They have helped stabilize and regulate my daughter with schizophrenia and they help my daughter and I with easing anxiety. Whether it's watching them outside or holding them for a cuddle on the couch, they have a wonderfully therapeutic quality that is unmatched by our 4 other certified service and/or emotional support animals,

You appear to be talking about them as emotional
support animals. Unfortunately, ES animals are not covered by any federal laws as far as trumping state or city laws and ordinances. That said, I think you can make a compelling case for why they SHOULD be allowed as emotional support animals. Is there a reason you are going to the board....i.e. Has someone reported you to animal control? If so, what was the complaint? If you give some details we may be able to help you counter and concerns they may have!
Thanks so much for your response i appreciate it. No I did not get in trouble, my dad called to ask if they were allowed and they are not :/ even though they are allowed in our city, just not our community so I'm going to try and change the rule
Ah, gotcha, if they are allowed in your city I would hope that gives you more leverage. GOOD LUCK tomorrow and please keep us posted! Wouldn't hurt to have letters from immediate neighbors saying they have not been a problem. That would actually be my first line of defense.
UPDATE: well today I went in front of the board and its sort of complicated, but they're going to think about changing the rule, they said it's basically a pain in the butt to change the CCNR like that but he's gonna do some research. BUT, in the rule it says "no fowl allowed" it technically doesn't say no waterfowl
They're 2 very different species soooo?

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