Your Chicken Want List

Cornish x Rock Pekin Duck White Broad Breasted Turkey Ringneck Pheasant Quail White Rock... white because my wife and I don't like to see the dark pin feathers !
Amen! I have two nice big hens and need a rooster to match. Also Orloffs other than Spangled.
I could write a book of a wish list!

I would love to have:

First off, a huge coop!
Every bantam known to man
A peacock pair
Royal Palm Turkey
Silkies (blue, partridge, splash, etc)
White/Black Spotted Leghorns

lol, if only!

...there's so much more, but I'm too tired to write them all!
An easier question is: "what DON'T you want?"

I want EVERYTHING!!! here are the most wanted:
pretty pheasants
freedom rangers (for meat)
ummm.... everything else except turkens and showgirls!

Lets see, if I had a breeding pair of each... and their babies... that would be... ummm... A LOT OF CHICKENS! I'm going to need a bigger back yard... and move out of Suburbia...
My wish list hummmmm well i want a few of each... Barnevelders, Copper Marans, Blue and Buff Orpingtons, Harry's Lavenders and a Partridge Rock Roo they are gorgeous. All pullets except for the Partridge Rock....Please Please Santa. I am really trying to be a very good Girl... Well most of the time anyways. LOL.
Funny- when I decided to get chickens this spring I wanted just BR as they have been my favorite chicken since I was a little girl (I have no idea why since nobody I know ever had any). My son suggested I get some different varieties so we could tell them apart (he's 23 and pretends not to be interested but loves to go sit in the coop and take pics when he's here lol). I ended up with BR, SLW, GLW, RIR, and BA. The damage is done and in the spring I feel the need for Speckled Sussex, Partridge Rocks, Columbia Rocks or Wyandottes or Delawares (just love that color pattern), Silver Penciled Wyandottes, and maybe a BO or two.... and let's not even mention my obsession with Narragansetts. If I thought I could get away with peafowl....... I admit it- I'm hooked! Good thing I have room for expansion and a pad of graph paper for drawing up the plans :)

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