Your ducks?


Mar 16, 2015
Auckland New Zealand

I am new to the forum and to duck keeping!
I have 5 Khaki Campbell's and 3 Muscovy Pekin X (Muscovy mums) all about 18 weeks old.

I have some not so serious questions about your ducks.

1, do your ducks make mud where there has been no apparent water source? how do they do it!

2, Are your ducks happily contained by the very same fence they will batter down to gain access to a vegetable garden?

3, Do your hens flirt relentlessly with the less dominant male causing him to be picked on constantly? (actually that one is a bit serious)

4, Will your ducks crave obsessively the tender young shoots in your garden while ignoring all the equally tender young weeds?

5, Do your ducks feel they have to noisily compete with every lawn mower , motorbike, dog, crying baby(that's embarrassing) in the neighbourhood?

6, Do your ducks Quack at the full moon at 3am very very loudly?

7, do your ducks drink the swimming water and swim the drinking water?

I would love some answers to my not so serious questions as there are not a whole lot of us duck keepers here in suburban Auckland, New Zealand
Hey!! welcome to backyard chickens!!

1. Yes, they do! i swear, its like it comes from the ground lol :)
2. yes
3. i've had them flirt some, but it hasn't become a problem...hope that doesn't happen..poor guy :(
4. totally...and its really annoying!

5. oh yeah, and every bird, leaf, and gust of wind, lol...they sure like to quack!
6. never really i'm curious to know if they do or not.
7. my ducks drink and swim in both...turning both into swimming water, lol.

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