Your experience on Vent Gleet? Really need to know!!!

Chicky Crazy

6 Years
Feb 27, 2013
I would like if you could share your experience with Vent Gleet and how you treated it. My two Rocks have it and I'm not sure how to treat it.
The trick is figuring out if it's from worms, coccidiosis, bacterial infection or fungal infection. I can't take mine to the vet for it, so I start by ruling out worms and coccidiosis with Safeguard 0.5ml per 2.2 pounds for five days and Corid (yes, at the same time). If I don't see improvement I treat with Baytril and metronidazole. If while treating it gets worse, I stop Baytril and metronidazole and treat for fungal infection with Fluconazole or Ketoconazole.

If you can, consult a vet. For the cost of an office visit, a fecal and a gram stain you'll know what to treat.
Remember that human yeast creams will only work on the yeast that it touches, so if it is a yeast infection way up in the intestines or repro-tract it won't do any good to apply it. Make sense?

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Im not sure what the big words mean, but I can look them up. How do I figure out if it's from worms, coccidiosis, bacterial infection or fungal infection? It can't be worms because I've given them DE the last two Saturdays.
Im not sure what the big words mean, but I can look them up. How do I figure out if it's from worms, coccidiosis, bacterial infection or fungal infection? It can't be worms because I've given them DE the last two Saturdays.
DE doesn't treat worms, for that you need to use Safeguard or Valbazen. The only way to know for sure is to have a vet look at the poop. I can't afford that, so I start by worming and treating for coccidiosis.

Im not sure what the big words mean, but I can look them up. How do I figure out if it's from worms, coccidiosis, bacterial infection or fungal infection? It can't be worms because I've given them DE the last two Saturdays.

DE doesn't treat worms, for that you need to use Safeguard or Valbazen. The only way to know for sure is to have a vet look at the poop. I can't afford that, so I start by worming and treating for coccidiosis.


Thank you! I will buy safeguard and give it to them. Is there a special way you worm them? Also I will research COCCIDIOSIS and treat them just in case they have it.
Quote: Thank you! I will buy safeguard and give it to them. Is there a special way you worm them? Also I will research COCCIDIOSIS and treat them just in case they have it.
Catch them at night, guess their weight and do a little math, lol, fill your syringe(s) and dose. Dose I would use is 0.5ml per 2.2 pounds.

The dose above given one day and repeated in ten days will treat roundworms and cecal worms. Five days in a row are needed for capillary worms.

The hole at the back of the tongue is the entrance to the trachea - Nothing should ever go in there!


Please note that I was the one holding the bird and taking the pictures, please use both hands!
  • Hold bird - I like to sit with my thighs parallel to the ground, feet firmly on ground and the bird in my lap. I hold it gently, but firmly and grab the head.

  • Open mouth and wait for bird to relax.

  • Insert syringe - I like to insert from left to right, across the tongue, behind the trachea, into the oesophagus. Again, wait for the bird to relax.

  • Give wormer

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