Your Favorite Movie of all Time?

#1 for me is Field of Dreams, because it makes me believe in magic.

But some close runners up are Love Actually, The Dark Crystal, Shawshank Redemption, and Bridget Jones' Diary. Oh, and Water World.
Probably Gone with the Wind, but I love the Heiress with Olivia de Havilland. I also love Tea with Mussolini and Return to OZ, remember that one children of the 80's!
All the Jane Austen movies: Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, Emma, Pride and Prejudice. Period films in general...

Like apocalyptic type movies too. I am Legend, V for Vendetta, the Postman
I almost forgot...Ben Hur and the Great Escape! I watch those two once a year. Ben Hur on Easter and the Great Escape on Mem day

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