Your hay operation


6 Years
Jun 12, 2017
Not sure where to put this. I use hay for a lot of different things on my farm. My rabbits eat it every day, I use it in my coop and chicken runs as well. Until this past weekend, I would cut the hay with my mower, then rake it by hand (1-2 acres), let it dry a few days, then fork it onto a trailer, then fork it into a crib in the barn for storage. Needless to say, this is a very time consuming endeavor, but I needed the hay for me animals.
This past weekend I picked up a tractor to help me out. I am storing a new Holland baler in my barn for a friend (who said to use it if I need it). I was curious about others hay operations on their farms. I'd rather not buy hay if I can keep from it.

Show me your equipment if you have it.

Here is my new toy!
I don’t have land of my own but where my other half shoots said we could have the grass on the margins. Got another farmer friend to cut, turn & bale the hay for us. We had to get the hay in though so it was a case of borrowing the land owners old tractor & trailer & doing it with the pick up. Hard work but we got it all in after a few days. First time I’ve had hay done of my own as I usually buy in but with the weather & prices this year it’s going to be a good saving for me.


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