your opinion on this lamp

I have WHAT in my yard? :

Me too, had the turn of the century floor lamps with candlebra light fixings with huge globe in the center of the candlebra, huge lampshade, and lighted floor globes, those things are wonderful!


I don't know where my camera is at......been long gone since hubby took it to WV.

Might just have to buy another one.
my mom came over and busted into a laughing fit. like almost peeing herself laughing fit. when i asked her what was so funny all she could do was point at the lamp and continue to laugh.
Although I have better bladder control I did laugh a really good cheeks hurting belly laugh at the thought of that sitting on a table in someones house, except maybe the Clampets home hehehehehe.
Yes it's just wonderful............... be sure to put the table it will be on in the living room picture window with the shades open, so all of your nieghbors and passer-byes can admire it and pay you great compliments, kinda like a major award hehehehehe.
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You does look Fragilay....... a few more months and we'll be seeing it a bunch LOL.

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