Your opinions?

Am a little surprized with the answers to #2. Some dogs have a very strong disire to breed. I have seen females in heat scale a 6 foot fence be be with a male. I had a female who I spayed before she was a year. She love puppies, and would lay in the whelping box if the mother allowed it. She would spent hours cleaning the puppies. she clearly wanted to be a mother.
Am a little surprized with the answers to #2. Some dogs have a very strong disire to breed. I have seen females in heat scale a 6 foot fence be be with a male. I had a female who I spayed before she was a year. She love puppies, and would lay in the whelping box if the mother allowed it. She would spent hours cleaning the puppies. she clearly wanted to be a mother.
Of course. She's in heat and acting on instinct. Not for "pleasure".

A dog not in heat couldn't care less. It's not a sexual thing for them. They are triggered by scent and hormones.
1) Breeding a b.itch in some breeds can cause her to gain rib spring and maturity in the body. However, if she cannot compete before being bred, she is likely not an ideal specimen.

2) Almost all bitches have strong instinctive and hormonal driven drives to mate when they are at the peak of their season. This is not a legitimate reason for breeding.

3) There is almost never any certainty that you will see specific temperament traits from the dam in the offspring. In itself, this is not a legitimate reason for breeding.

4) just say no.
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The question Do dogs have sexual pleasure was never asked. Question # 2 was about motherhood experience something very different. Have you ever watched a mother with her puppies?
The question Do dogs have sexual pleasure was never asked. Question # 2 was about motherhood experience something very different. Have you ever watched a mother with her puppies?
I have had litters, so yes I have watched a mother with her pups.
A dog has mothering instincts that kick in with their pups or other small animals. They do not sit there and ponder about wanting to be a mother. It's very different than an actual thought.
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So you would say there is no love between a mother and her puppies? Motherhood is one of the most natural things on earth.
I believe there is a essence of love from the mother but I think there is less then some people think because we humans might think it's sad for the momma when the puppies leave but I think in reality she doesn't mind. She might fell lost with nothing to mother but I think those instincts would pass over time. I do understand what you are saying and I can see that in some cases but I think for the most part it's all instincts and hormones.
I had a spayed female, no hormones never had a litter. Would risk attack of the mother to be near puppies. She would lay in their box cleaning them for hours.Sorry mothers do grive when their puppies are taken away. I had one mother search for weeks for her puppies. Had another mother jump though plate glass window trying to get back to my kennel, where she thought her puppies where.
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I don't mean to sound like I'm disagreeing I just think it's less likely for this to happen. But still don't you think it's the instincts kicking in when she's looking for them. Maybe she thinks she hasn't finished raising them and she needs to still raise them. I do think she does feel sadness over them just like an older dog grieving for the loss of it's owner so don't get me wrong.
I've never had a b.itch look for puppies that leave at 8 weeks+. Just my personal experience.

I do NOT believe that any b.itch "needs" the experience of motherhood. Some do really enjoy puppies, I certainly have seen that as well.

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