YouTube Channels I Like


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
List of Youtube channels I like...

If you want to get to one of these, type it into YouTube search (exactly how I typed it here).

Becky's Homestead
Arms Family Homestead
Lacy Duckwing
The Chuckling Chicken
Fresh Eggs Daily

Channels I don't like at all:

White House On The Hill
Keeping It Dutch

Give some of your favs!
Channels I do like:

  • Cog Hill Farm
  • Becky’s Homestead (though the misinformation get kind of annoying. I do like her personality.)
  • White House on the Hill

Channels I don’t hate but am not really a fan of:

Personally don’t really like Fresh Eggs Daily.

I‘m sure there are also a few others I’m forgetting.
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Channels that I like:

The Chuckling Chicken:

Lacy Duckwing (Sorry if I'm bragging :rolleyes:):

Lisa Riportella:

I sometimes watch this channel when it comes up:

Chicken Channel:

And as far as any chicken channels that I don't like... Well, if there is one, I probably watched only one video and decided that I didn't like it, so therefore, I didn't take note of the name.

I've been hearing of everybody not liking White House On The Hill, and I don't know why. I think I've heard of them before, but don't know anything about it. Perhaps someone could fill me in?

Personally don’t really like Fresh Eggs Daily.
Fresh Eggs Daily Maine? Does Lisa even have a YouTube channel? Or is this somebody else? She's very much into herbs for her flock's health.
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25:30, it's so small its like a factory farm...
Oh my! I haven’t seen that one. I hope they only use it rarely and for a limited time or something. From what I’ve seen they generally really do care about their animals, the free range and everything. Though, if they start going that route I may have to reconsider my feelings about them.
Oh my! I haven’t seen that one. I hope they only use it rarely and for a limited time or something. From what I’ve seen they generally really do care about their animals, the free range and everything. Though, if they start going that route I may have to reconsider my feelings about them.
They are using it for a grow out area for young ducks. Not for full sized chickens.
Yep. Nothing against her personally, I’m just not really a fan.
Wow! I had no idea that she had a YouTube channel! She's in Maine you know. I used to be signed up to her newsletter! In fact, I've even met her in person and she signed a book that I had of hers. I talked chicken with her and she was impressed with my chicken knowledge. The reason why I'm no longer signed up for her newsletter because she talks a lot about herbs for her flock, and it's not really realistic to me. I can't really afford herbs, or have a place to grow them. I am very excited that I met a famous chicken person irl, and I find it really cool that she has a YouTube channel! I might subscribe, but I'm not sure. Even though you're not a fan, thanks for letting me know about it! :)

Me neither. I’ve never seen them mistreat their animals. They’re even building a huge aviary just for their birds so they can be happy and fly around while also being safe.
Hmm, so I wonder what's so bad about them. From what you say, they don't sound that bad.

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