Zane and Shadow...Roommates? (Cute Pic, post #79)

Kathy- you have THAT many in the bator? Holy Chicken, if you DO figure out how to mail, let me know- yours plus some Dusty/Suede babies would give me good future crosses.

Cynthia, that's a lot of girls to possibly go broody- it would be sweet to see Dusty hatch her own eggs- I get all mushy looking at hens with chicks.
I'd rather it be anyone but Dusty. She tends to suddenly wake up from her run-in with maternal bliss and want to kill them all. And you can't predict when that will be--the first batch was three weeks, the second was at five weeks. She won't mother them for very long.
OK, I take it all back! Dusty can just get the eggs laid and turn it all over to someone else! Of course, I could come get them immediately and then you wouldn't have to hold your breath!
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Hhmmmm, I can relate to Dusty! I remember that feeling ..... on more than one occassion!

Omigosh, I can so relate!! Beth, I think she'll at least mother them for a week. She's a great broody till they are a few weeks old, then they'd better run for their lives. She almost killed Gracie!
shoot yeah...if mine could have walked at a week old that moddy coddling would been have over for both my kids. LOL

Cyn...we want Isaac happy with his Mama...if those meanies will stop turning him into a bloody mess. We just want you to know that if you need to re-home Ike...DH and I will drive there to pick that sweet boy up. I would stew a woman I caught trying to bloody him. I will have no mean women except Fattie. She just has to taste everything...but is not mean about it.

I hope it works out with him and the Dellie girls though.
Good, that would give me a bit of leeway to come get them- I can't relate to this mother kill them all thing, unless, of course, you translate it to the feeling you get when your DH is being particularly DH-ish.
mine is being DHish this evening...notice me here > him l> here

It is safer for all concerned (and some who are not) that it remain this way for a few hours.
Oohhhooo!! So, I'm not alone when that happens huh?

As for Dusty's sudden change of heart....if her chickies were anything like my Annie at age 13, I can certainly understand... After that chapter of our lives, I know now why some species kill their young!! **Insert evil grin here!**

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