Zane Made REAL Progress (New Pics Pg 99)!RIP Lorelei...

Wow, Cyn

I havent been up on whats been going on lately, well cuz you know why...
Mom still hanging on, we are doing inhome hospice so only matter of time here.

I am SO sorry to hear about Hawkeye. Poor Zane, my heart goes out to him. It seems its really been a tough time for a lot of people I have talked to lately.

My Fussy grieved for 2 months when her companion died, I would have never believed it possible, but it took her a very long time to come out of it. We hugged each other lots and cried together and I think it really helped. Sounds silly I know. She has been so much help with me now too, I swear she knows I am grieving as she keeps talking to me.

So like everyone said, give the poor guy extra cuddles, he needs em.
Love and hugs
Awww Cyn, That just breaks my heart.
Poor Zane. I have a feeling....once the sadness passes..he will be THE cock of the walk. Im sure once the girls accept him, it will help. He is just feeling all alone. Poor little guy. Im glad you and Dh are giving him special attention...sounds like he needs it.
Hi Cyn - this story made me cry. Of course they grieve and feel emotional pain. It's great you and your husband care for them so well. Give him extra love and attention but also give him some scrambled egg and any favorite treats and vitamin supplements. When depressed/grieving animals don't eat like they should and then can become weak/sick and die. That's why so many people tell stories of how one pet died and the other grieved itself to death. Yes, they grieve but grief alone won't kill them, it's that they stop being active and eating and drinking. Just keep a close eye on him as if he were a baby chick. You'll all come through this. He has BIG shoes to fill.
Yes, Zane does have BIG shoes to fill, that's true. But he is Zane, not Hawkeye, and he'll be special in his own way. Well, he already is. I added vitamins to their "on-range" waterer especially for him and I'll make sure to give him some protein away from the other girls to make sure he gets to eat it. We'll get him through it, I'm sure. Its just so sad to see him sitting on the ground, whereas before, he was all over the place, stalking the girls and crowing his heart out. Thanks to everyone for their advice.
He is still laying around more than normal, but he was crowing much more today! I made him scrambled eggs with chopped garlic and put AviaCharge in his water to be sure he got enough protein and vitamins for his immune system. I dont think he's been eating much in the last three days. I took him up on the deck so he could eat without having to share with anyone and he ate quite a bit of the eggs.
I'm so sorry to hear about Hawkeye. And also sorry to hear of Zane's difficult time. Something else you could try giving him is Rescue Remedy. It's a flower essence blend that is taken to help with any difficult time being experienced. You could give him one or two drops a couple of times a day, or mix it into his water. I give this to my animals (and family members) whenever they're experiencing any kind of stress or trauma and it really seems to help. You can get it at any health food store. Good luck with Zane and with the babies in the 'bator.
I'm so glad to hear that Zan'es feeling a mite better...crowings a good sign...I know that when Tom was killed Jerry whimpered and cried and looked for her...Obelisk went all through the house looking for Slifer too...calling her in the most heart rending voice...

I think time will help...hugs!

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