Zane Made REAL Progress (New Pics Pg 99)!RIP Lorelei...

Good New all the way around!!!!
Praises to God and His Mercy! So glad to hear, Cetawin, that your father made it through surgery.

Glad to hear your dad and Zane are coming along, Cyn.


My dad made it through also! I updated my post!

Though through this all there are some who still have reason to mourn.
May you find His Peace, though the loss of loved ones is a heartache and a reality we all have and will face in our lives here.
I'm so happy that Zane keeps improving Cyn! That boy has really made me fall in love with my little BR roo! I give him hugs everyday and think of your Zane.

I'm also happy to hear that your dad is hanging in there. We are still continuing to pray for him daily.

I also wanted to send hugs your way once again for the sadness over the loss of your sweet Lorelei. I'm sure she is with your DH in spirit watching for those bugs as he turns the ground.

Keep hanging in there Cyn.
I'm hanging in there just fine. Every day I see Zane getting more and more healthy looking and stronger and I know I couldn't have done it without help from all of you. Thanks for caring about one sweetheart of a young rooster and for all my other troubles that just seemed to keep coming.
I am humbled by the grace you have been given. I am so glad everyone is on the mend and cannot wait to see new pics when you get a camera. God Bless all who are healing and need healing right now.

edited for spelling
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Well I for one will be glad to see Zane romancing the ladies but as far as the closing of this thread I sure will miss the rapport that has happened over this Barred Rock Baby Boy.

Still praying here for everyone on the BYC

Morning Cyn
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