Zeke is the informer

I don't know if Zeke is tattling or just spreading gossip. he likes to come up to me, so I bend over so I am looking at him and he will look at me back and then quackquackquackquack.....
then turns around and waddles away.

he does that to me every now and then, here I am standing there in the pen, bending over talking to my duck like "oh really!! you don't say" while bobbing my head up and down like I am understanding him.

If one of my neighbors walked by they would be like there is that weird lady again..lucky my close neighbors are my friends lol
My Daisy used to do that to me all the time! Exactly like you said and I did exactly as you do and I thought at the time, how it was a good thing I don't have anyone around to witness this! I miss my Daisy!
Our neighbor has been in the hospital the past few week so we have been taking care of his chickens and rooster. They seem to love our place and have taken over most of our property. My ducks have a whole lot to say about that. They don't get to free range like the chickens unless I am out there. They have been talking a whole lot of crap in my opinion. It is so funny to watch.

Hahaha I can just see it in my head all the ducks gathered in a circle talking crap
My KC drake is a character. He doesn't like to be handled, but he will carry on a conversation with me all day. As soon as my husband walks out to greet him he bows his head to him. My husband will then bow back. They will go back and forth for several minutes bowing to each other. Then as soon as my husband turns his back he will put his head down and charge at him. If my husband turns around he will act like nothing happened lol. Then he will run to me quacking up a storm as though he is telling on my husband lol.

:lau I hope you get this on video one day

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