Zero Eggs!😫

Our girls go through a molt from late Fall and stop laying. I switch them to protein feed to help grow feathers. In early Spring when they stop dropping feathers I switch back to layer feed. They usually begin laying sometime in March. We're in northern Indiana.
I'm glad you asked this because I'm only getting 0-1 egg daily from my 3 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Rhode Island Reds. When I do get an egg, it's from the Reds. I've been tempted to put a light in the run to extend the daylight hours, but I figure that its probably better to let nature takes its course. Oh, and they just finished their moult.
In western New York and I’m still getting eggs. My flock is 7 months as well. I have 21 hens and 2 Roo’s. Been averaging about 11-12 eggs a day. I can say the Astralorps and Barred Rocks are my best layers by far. So maybe the decline in your eggs is breed related. Just a thought.
This is our first winter together(my family and our flock) they’re 7months old.. I live in NY and it’s been freezinggg we haven’t had any eggs at all in over a week! Is that normal for them to go that long?! We have 3 pullets and 1hen.
It’s normal. They probably also molted so their energy is going into growing new feathers. As the days grow longer, they will start laying again.
The short daylight hours in the northern hemisphere can suppress laying at this time of year. My hens are all gearing up to lay right now after an almost two month break (we got an egg or two daily from 10 hens during that period). My new pullets began to lay and this past week some of the older ones joined so we are now up to 6 a day and climbing.

Stress, cold, and molting are other possible reasons for a lull in eggs, though such young birds often don't molt their first winter.

Hi, Anniefromarkansas,,
I have 17 hens ( all variety of breeds) and 2 roos, all 10 months old,, the hens started laying sporadically@4 months then gradually picked up speed to 15 eggs a day for several weeks,then shorter days and freezing temps halted egg production, I sought advice, was told to possibly increase some egg production, feed crushed red pepper flakes,,it supposedly warms up the body and along with the flakes, provide artificial light to stimulate daylight and use infrared lighting for heat if cold nights and mornings are less than 30°..
We've done all and we're getting anywhere from eggs 2- 6 eggs every 2nd or 3rd day. So we're getting some!
No they haven't melted yet ,too young, I think they molt at 1 yr..
Hope this helps!
So cold that they are using all their stores to stay warm...I don’t mind giving them a break from laying...they give me their all the rest of the year.
We’re just getting 6-10 eggs a day now with some of the last hens coming out of molt. I wouldn’t expect a full basket of eggs for another month or two, but I think our mild temperatures are contributing to an early start to this year’s laying.

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