zip and hatch help

for now leave it alone bumper cars is just part of the process, but if you want the other chicks to get off the egg shine a flash lite on them the bright lite seems to startle them and they move.
Thanks Dan. It worked for a few minutes but their all back there. I think they are trying to help him/her out and have just about totally covered the piped egg. I will keep my fingers crossed and hope for a 100% hatch rate.
On your next hatch, when it's lockdown time, put the eggs fat side up in a paper egg carton, cut down on the sides. They will zip right around the top and pot right out, tried and true. You never have any chicks lost to rolling around
this is my 2nd hatch i'm a newbie and my last hatch I used a genesis and did that. This is a Brinsea mini and there is just not enough room in there for them. If it has started to zip about an inch can I help it?
help it? why has it been zipped that way for over 24 hours? I've helped some that I know might be shrink wrapped, because of having to take the cover off or other reasons, and if it's been that way for 12-24 hours. But if it's only been a few hours leave it. You can mess up the other eggs if they have pipped. Shine a flashlight on it to see if you can tell if their is any movement...tell me more
GOOD NEW!! All 5 hatched. I was a nervous wreck with the last egg. The others were rolling it around. BUT it hatched so thats all that matters. Good fertility and nice shipped eggs. They are Greenfire farm Swedish flower hens. Absolutely cutie pies!

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