Zip ties for leg bands?

You could use a nail clipper. That would give it a curved edge.
AWWW! thanks john! i do use zip ties also! it helps me keep track of whos who.. i have all buff orps and they all look the same ( combs are diffrent sizes but thats it ) and it helps me ALOT! i got a huge pack of like 200 colored zipties at the dollar store ( wheler dealer too) and it had like 4 or 5 different colors
and since i had more then 4 birds i mixed and matched more than one zip tie once i ran out of colors
but make sure u check every so offten to make sure its not to tight ( especialy if u have a growing bird) hope it works for your
Another thing someone on here suggested some time ago (sorry, no idea who) when you run out of colors you can add small colored plastic beads to them. Not sure if that would increase pecking but they sure would have a pretty bracelet!!!!
another BYC'er uses small velcro strips in multiple colors cut down to size. They sell them at walmart or fabric stores.
I found a pack of five different colors that were sold as cord bundlers. I cut them in half vertically and horizontally and it made 4 strips from each color. Soft on the birds and easy to adjust.
I think this is a great idea to tell them apart, but arnt bands just like "branding" your animal like you would say a cow so if someone stole them or they ran off into another heard or "flock" you could identify your birds. couldnt someone who "borrowed your chicken forever" or it came to there flock just cut of zipties real easy unlike metal bands and then it be there new chicken forever? jw i like the idea its cheap and you can get them any where unlike the bands. thanks
Rhett&SarahsMom :

I was thinking of using them on my buffs, to tell them apart. But after seeing what has happened with my tomato plant. Nope. Will wait and get them leg bands made for birds.

Zip ties are also called wire ties or cable ties
You can find them anywhere in many dif colors and sizes.

I have bunches like that and they are ALL PLASTIC​
I've not used them on chicks,but I do on about 4 month old birds. I leave them a little loose and check them every so often. I hav not had a problem with them.

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