
Daryl doesn't even exist in the comic, the TV show is really different. But all movie/TV adaptations of books/comics change a lot of the details

Did you use liquid latex to do the makeup?
I know but he is supposedly going to be added in the future right? and I've also heard alot about Michonne (did I spell that right?) possibly being on next season
and yes I did use liquid latex, and tissue paper too
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Thanks, I wish I had taken my camera when we did the makeup for the admissions people but I forgot it, I think they turned out pretty well, I forgot my camer though:/
I've read the first 9 comics, which go far past the part with the farm house and stuff, and so far he hasn't been introduced. The TV show also left out some characters and let some people live who died in the comic (not gonna say who, I don't want to spoil it
I am horribly impatient so I've asked others who have read them and I know some of the differences, up to a point...about the mid season finale
(which was better than I thought it was gonna be)
You did an awesome job at that!!! Living in the Zombie Capital of the world I can agree that Walking dead, Zombies, the makeup your doing, and Pittsburgh are all awesome ٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶

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