Recent content by sbrown

  1. sbrown

    My new Columbian Plymouth Rocks

    I think he said they were a February hatch. So they should be getting real close. This is the largest breed chicken I've had and I just can't beleive how big they are. They're maybe 4 weeks older than my Australorps but are much bigger.
  2. sbrown

    My new Columbian Plymouth Rocks

    My newest additions. Columbian Plymouth Rock from BYC member "Yard Full Orocks". Pretty birds and big pullets.
  3. sbrown

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I have 2 adult hens laying and 9 pullets currently. So I was pleasantly surprised to come home and find 4 eggs today. I think 2 of my red mix EE pullets started laying! My Australorps,SLW,and Columbian plymouth rocks should be soon I hope,they're a few weeks younger.
  4. sbrown

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I have 2 adult hens laying and 9 pullets currently. So I was pleasantly surprised to come home and find 4 eggs today. I think 2 of my red mix EE pullets started laying! My Australorps,SLW,and Columbian plymouth rocks should be soon I hope,they're a few weeks younger.
  5. sbrown

    My new Columbian Plymouth Rocks

    Picked these up from Byc member "Yard full orocks" today. Really like these and was impressed by the size. He has some very nice birds.
  6. sbrown

    Columbian Rock Thread!!!!

    Picked up 2 Columbian Rocks today from Yard Full Orocks. Very pretty birds. I can't get over how big they already are. Have a feeling I will be getting more of these.
  7. sbrown

    Easter Egger club!

    My newest hen I picked up this evening.
  8. sbrown

    Sick pullet, Mareks?

    So I get home this evening, go to feed my chickens which consists of 11young pullets, 1 hen and 2 roosters. My pullets are around 10-12 weeks now I think. They came running at feed time but I noticed one was slower and looked liked she was gonna topple over forward. Then she just kinda fell...
  9. sbrown

    new pullets

    I have one EE adult rooster and one nice young black copper marans rooster. Would like some Marans hens. Marans breed to the australorp would probably make a nice laying bird. I imagine some people frown on that. Not saying I plan on doing that but I am more concerned with good birds that lay...
  10. sbrown

    new pullets

    Well, hated to , but I went ahead and sold all my older hens. Had to make room the new ones. They were all 4 years plus so I figured their best laying days were behind them. Moved my latest batch from the chick house. 2 Silver laced Wyandottes, 5 black australorp and 4 mixed RIR and Ameraucana...
  11. sbrown

    May Hatch-a-Long!

    Mine are hatching now but having trouble getting humidity up for some reason. Odd cause its rainy and very humid here rigjt now. I turned the fan off and misted the inside and the eggs lightly. I don't guess that would hurt the eggs.
  12. sbrown

    May Hatch-a-Long!

    Just set 38 eggs. Barred Rock, Dominicker, and Rhode Island mixes. Gonna try leaving them in cartons this time. Anybody else doing this? Pros/Cons ? Not sure yet the best way to turn them right now.
  13. sbrown

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Just added a second coop on the backside of my shed. Used all reclaimed lumber. Gonna give it a white wash and a few more touches.
  14. sbrown

    Febuary hatch a long

    chicks are slowly hatching. 5 so far but they actually are a day early.
  15. sbrown

    Febuary hatch a long

    My eggs are hatching this morning. First of 34 I hope. Should get some black sex links, ee's, and a few reds.
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