Recent content by Treerooted

  1. Treerooted

    BYC Café

  2. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Just popping in to grab some coffee; my sleepless nights have begun! I had a little baby boy on the 8th, and we're doing well :)
  3. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Yes! It's a continuity of care model. You're with the same midwives from your first appointment until 6 weeks postpartum. It's an excellent system I feel lucky to have access to.
  4. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    I have a team of two midwives and will be going to the hospital this time around (I did try for a home birth with my first born but ended up at the hospital at the very end. I live outside of town now and also don't want the stress of getting my house all ready). But I won't need to see a doctor...
  5. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    I'm "overdue", so I expect one way or another to have the little one within a week.
  6. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Ah no! Sour, what have you started? Science does not agree lol! Pain is hard to study to begin with and is complicated; but of the most recent research done, woman have been found to have more nerve receptors then men. So woman tend to be more sensitive to pain (kind of makes the whole birthing...
  7. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Thanks for the coffee Shad; a bit cold now though so I'm brewing another pot. Had a bout of insomnia last night :( Hopefully I can go down for a nap this afternoon and get some of that sleep back.
  8. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Ya, I don't think naming would make much difference around here. I guess I just can't be bothered with that many birds. Names that have come up: Barney (rooster), Subordinate (roo), Quasimodo, Mama Hen, The Three Musketeers. So it's all just situational. I feel like winter's barely started...
  9. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Thanks for the coffee Deb, I'm going to help myself to a mug this morning! As for reading novels, I've really done very little over the last 10 years. Used to read all the time. I think the most reading I've done the last couple years are farming books (and a ridiculous amount of on-line...
  10. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Agreed! I don't think I've had Honeybush before though. Right now I'm generally cycling between Earl Grey (morning), Raspberry Leaf and Peppermint. It's winter so I'd rather be drinking something warm during the day!
  11. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    This morning it's earl grey (my coffee "replacement" if I'm not having any); but I drink all kinds!
  12. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    They are regulated under the Migratory Birds Act so usually that means you can't manage them in any way without special permits.
  13. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Morning cafe, kettle's on for any tea drinkers ☕ Wind is currently blowing the above freezing air away and replacing it with below freezing :(.
  14. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Not sure if they'll be able to make it out today. It's within 48hrs of phoning and they weren't open on the weekend. But I'll be warm enough! It's actually 18 (64F) in the house right now and there were a couple small pieces of wood to burn, plus we have portable heaters since heat distribution...
  15. Treerooted

    BYC Café

    Morning cafe, I've put the kettle on. It's warming up my way today which is good because we accidentally let the propane run out (I know, stupid), and my partner in crime forgot to stock up the wood room yesterday. It's only a few degrees above freezing so if it does get too cold I'll hide in...
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