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  1. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern
  2. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    I use them too. Really helps keep the flies down. They sell them at Western Farm Center in Santa Rosa if you ever get back up here.
  3. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Were you getting the high winds? It was really blowing here last night. The lights were flickering for hours, but the power stayed on.
  4. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    I'm going to take them! :) Couldn't have picked a prettier group. Looks like 2 EEs, a Delaware, 2 Orps (maybe?) What do you think? Can you tell the breed of the cuckoo pullet? with a rose comb?
  5. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    ...little thing. Wish I could remember the name of the breed. Anyway, as busy as he was, he took the time to teach a newbie a few things and I have always remembered his kindness. He led such a full and interesting life. Definitely one of the good guys. *Found it!! It was a Ko Shamo that I held.
  6. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    The rain makes lots of things appear, like magic! I have little arboreal salamanders crawling around outside the garage door right now.
  7. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Less sunlight in the winter causes most hens to decrease or stop laying altogether for weeks or even months. Individuals will vary based on age and breed. I think chickens handle cold better than heat. I don't do anything special for mine except to have places for them to keep out of the rain...
  8. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Does she have a crooked beak? There are some good threads about trimming them to correct it.
  9. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Welcome to byc! Chickens are fun. Glad you are getting Flynney a friend. Do you know her breed?
  10. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    I don't see any bumble foot. Those look like nice healthy feet to me. :) The bump is the center is normal if that's what you were worried about. She might have sprained something in her foot or leg. It happens. I've have several hens come up lame over the years and they recovered with time. As...
  11. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    IF the article is true. The story is so new, I think they are still gathering "facts."
  12. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Sadly, it may not be that simple. According to this, the rooster in question spent time in Tracy and Hayward. Stay away from wild waterfowl. They can...
  13. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Depends on how old and where you are keeping them. If they are chicks that have been inside and you keep them inside, the risk is limited, especially if you wash and change clothes before tending them. If this is a close neighbor and you visit often, you probably already share chicken germs, so...
  14. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Ask away!
  15. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Hi. Pretty sure those are clover flowers. I have the same thing here (low hop, as sawilliams said). My chickens range the yard every day and I have never had a problem with them eating things that are toxic, including the oleanders that hang over from the neighbors and Ca buckeyes and malva...
  16. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    check your inbox :)
  17. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Where are you located?
  18. Wishing4Wings

    California - Northern

    Oh my. They're fantastic! I see we are moving on from Enabling 101 to Advanced Enabling.
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