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  1. Dawnclucks22

    Can a serama rooster mate with a standard hen?

    A few months ago we got two seramas, one of which is a cockerel who is about 9 months. He’s started mounting the rest of our 7 layers, but the Australorp is his favorite. I’ve seen him try several times, but is it actually possible for them to mate successfully? I don’t intend on breeding but I...
  2. Dawnclucks22

    Worms! Again?

    Hi everyone. Today I was in my coop when I noticed some poop with worms in it. They’re very white, with distinct heads and what looks to be possible eyespots, though it’s hard to see. I just wormed my birds about a month before this, doing 2 rounds as directed on the bottle. The kind that I use...
  3. Dawnclucks22

    Composting feathers?

    Hey guys. Pretty new to gardening here. I was wondering if anyone has had any luck using shed feathers for use as compost. How would I go about doing that? Thank you!
  4. Dawnclucks22

    Barred Rock cockerel or pullet?

    Not mine, but wondering if this 6 week old bird is. I was thinking maybe cockerel, what are your thoughts?
  5. Dawnclucks22

    Weird goat question

    We got our first goats maybe about a month ago now. They’re Nigerian Dwarves. They’re very friendly and cute of course, both males. But here’s the weird part. I wear shorts a lot outside and almost every time I go into their enclosure they come up and just?? Lick me?? For long periods of time...
  6. Dawnclucks22

    Too old for a hen to raise?

    Hello everyone. I just got 2 serama chicks, both about a month old. I have a full setup to raise them on my own, but one of my hens may be broody. Are they too old for her to adopt even if they’re so small?
  7. Dawnclucks22

    My new birds

    3 new additions to our flock this week! Integration went really smoothly. Blue Australorp and 2 lovely Polish hens. One question though: will the Polish be able to drink from the nipple waterer with those big crests? the Easter Egger on the right of the first image is one of my existing birds.
  8. Dawnclucks22

    Injured wild dove!

    I have an outdoor cat who brought my sister a bird he caught yesterday. And... it’s not dead. In fact, it’s blinking and (brace yourself this is super scientific) has the head reflex thing when I gently rotate the carrier and follows my eye. It doesn’t seem to be injured, aside from its wings...
  9. Dawnclucks22

    Chicken manure as compost

    Hi there! I’m brand new to gardening. Of course, I am eager to know how I can use my chicken manure as compost. The bedding they have is grass clippings. How do I start?
  10. Dawnclucks22

    Enclosure for Pygmy Goats?

    It is possible we might be getting a pair or a trio of Pygmy goats for the first time. We don’t have any prior goat experience and would love recommendations as to what to house them in and how much space they need. We have a fairly large yard, so we are fairly flexible. Thank you!
  11. Dawnclucks22

    Having a broody hen raise chicks: eggs or babies?

    I want to let or dedicated broody raise baby chicks. Which is the best way to go about that? Giving her straight chicks, or letting her hatch eggs?
  12. Dawnclucks22

    How realistic is having a broody hatch fertile eggs?

    First off, I don't have a rooster. I have a flock of 5, made of 4 standards and a bantam. I'm also not completely sure that this hen is broody yet, but it's possible in the future that we may try hatching under a broody. Also, the one broody is a bantam. A half-serama bantam mix. Is it possible...
  13. Dawnclucks22

    What do I do?

    My chickens, a flock of 5, have lice AND scaly leg mites. I have tried Vaseline, permethrin spray, and poultry dust... nothing has worked. Is there anything I can do?
  14. Dawnclucks22

    Duck Advice! or two. Here are some questions I have. 1) Can I keep 1 duck with a flock of 5 chickens, or do I need more than 1? 2) How messy are they? I’ve heard they’re more messy than chickens. 3) What kind of feed do I need? 4) How much *bath* water do I need to provide? Thank you for your...
  15. Dawnclucks22

    Coop Plans?

    We’re moving, and we’re looking for recommendations for a new coop. We have 4 chickens and a bantam, and I’m hoping that *maybe* in a few years we can get a few additions, so preferably with some extra room. Anyone have any plans they could direct me to?
  16. Dawnclucks22

    What plant is this?

    This is a tree in our new yard. What kind is it?
  17. Dawnclucks22

    Gamer Thread

    Anyone else here play video games? Tag a gamer you know! I play Minecraft, Transformice, Howrse, and The Sims 4 mainly. Anyone else? @ladybugchickenfarms
  18. Dawnclucks22

    Crop Issue with Barred Rock Hen

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Barred Rock Hen, about 4 years old. Lays occasionally. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Her crop was not empty this morning and my mom reported diarrhea with blood specks last night. She’s...
  19. Dawnclucks22

    Redirection to Scam Sites?

    For the first time today while trying to like a post my phone opened a new window and automatically redirected me to one of those “you’ve won our giveaway” scams. This happened a few times and also while I was trying to write this post. Is anyone else having this problem? Is it my phone?
  20. Dawnclucks22

    EE or Wheaten Ameraucana?

    Always thought this girl was an EE, but I’ve noticed some striking resemblances to the Wheaten Ameraucana breed. She lays bright blue eggs.
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