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  1. SmittenChicken

    Live stream of incubator hatch this weekend!

    Hi Guys- Doing a live stream of my incubator hatch again, in case any of you need a hatching fix this weekend! Links in my signature. I have eggs hatching in a Farm Innovators circulated air incubator -- 1 hatched early this morning, 2 are currently pipped and 5 more we're still waiting on. I...
  2. SmittenChicken

    Live video from my incubator -- streaming now!

    Hi Everyone- I've got eggs hatching in the next day or so (1 of 13 pipped so far). It's a bit like watching paint dry, but you can see the live stream here. I'll be posting regular updates on Facebook, if you want to be notified when a chick's about to hatch. :-) Here's what's in the...
  3. SmittenChicken

    Could this be a pullet? (EE+RIR cross, 12 weeks)

    This is Crispy, whose father is a red EE and mother is a Rhode Island Red. At first I thought pullet, but then I changed my mind to cockerel when Crispy started getting dark red splotches on the wings. Now I'm leaning toward pullet again because the patterning is much more uniform and the comb...
  4. SmittenChicken

    Hatch-ALong - Setting first eggs 4/5, hatch day 4/26. Anyone want to join me?

    I'm planning to set 41 eggs next week, in my new Farm Innovators 4200 (the air-circulated model.) Hopefully I'll have a bunch of EE eggs, plus an assortment of barnyard mutts. I am totally beside myself with excitement, and reading as much as I can. Which is good because pretty much everything...
  5. SmittenChicken

    5 wk old EE and SS -- can you sex us based on feather patterns? (pic heavy)

    Hi all, I have two chicks that my Black Star hen hatched out on 9/8 (5 weeks old today). I know it's still very early, but I'd love to get some feedback from all of you experts. I have my suspicions based on what I've read, but I'm still a relative newbie and the feathering pattern on the EE has...
  6. SmittenChicken

    Introducing young rooster to flock of hens

    We have a flock of 11 hens, all large mixed breeds about 1.5 years old and non-aggressive. They have a lot of space, the coop is about 10'x15' and the fenced run is at least 20'x20'. A good friend has chickens about 4 months old, and realized last month that one of them is a rooster. I've...
  7. SmittenChicken

    Roost diameter too small for cold weather?

    I've read a few posts that talk about how flat roosts are better, as chickens have an easier time keeping their toes warm. I'm wondering just how big of a deal this is? This is my first year with chickens, and they live in a 50s-era coop (dirt floor) that came with the house I'm renting. Their...
  8. SmittenChicken

    Anyone canning/preserving? Chicken treat recipes using leftovers.

    I've been canning a lot of tomatoes lately, and thought I'd share what I've been doing with the leftovers... I've been blanching then peeling/coring/seeding tomatoes before I stuff them in jars. I end up with a big bowl of tomato skins that are in huge pieces - I wanted to give them to the...
  9. SmittenChicken

    Red Stars vs. Black Stars

    Would love to hear everyone's experiences with Red Stars and Black Stars - I'm sure they're all different, since they can be made many different ways. But I've found it interesting to see how mine (from McMurray, hatched 4/2/2010 and hand raised) have turned out and am wondering if any of you...
  10. SmittenChicken

    When do light brahmas start laying?

    I just started getting eggs from my Red Stars and a White Rock at 19 weeks, and I have two Light Brahmas that are the same age. One of them started squatting for me and practicing in the nest boxes a few days ago, and her face is much redder than the other girl (who is quite a bit larger but...
  11. SmittenChicken

    What a crazy day! (pic heavy)

    It was a big day here yesterday, filled with chicken drama! It all started around 9:30 with a visit from a hawk (posted about this in the Predators section yesterday, if anyone has any advice). Fortunately I was in the coop when it happened, and my girls all made it inside safely. Since I felt...
  12. SmittenChicken

    Have to give them credit...

    I was in the coop just now when there was a huge commotion out in the run and all of my 19 week old girls booked it into the coop, slamming into each other to try and get through the door. They all went into the far back corner of the coop and piled up together, a bunch of them were singing the...
  13. SmittenChicken

    McMurray iPhone app - chick selector

    Just happened upon this and thought I'd share it - looks like they offer a $5 coupon at McMurray with purchase of the app ($1.99) Admins: Not sure if this is the best section to post this in, please move as you see fit
  14. SmittenChicken

    Who's going to lay first?! *PIC HEAVY*

    ...-Haven't seen anyone trying out the nesting boxes. -They are all screeching and growling like velociraptors now. -Nobody squats when I walk by, but they'll submit when I catch them (with a fight). *Not pictured are 2 more EEs and 2 Light Brahmas, I'm pretty sure they'll be behind the others.
  15. SmittenChicken

    How to tell if wings are broken? Please help!! **PICS ADDED**

    I posted here yesterday about my 16 week old Light Brahma, Salty, getting tangled up in a plastic rope my landlord tied around the coop door. I found her hanging there when I got home from work, with the rope wrapped tightly around the base of both wings, her chest/back and legs. I have no idea...
  16. SmittenChicken

    HELP! Brahma injured because of meddling landlord!

    I am so angry right now. I'm renting a house with a chicken coop and got 13 pullets in April. Our landlord, very particular and always quick to give advice, is a little meddlesome and has overstepped his bounds in deciding what is best for the chickens a few times now. I came home the other...
  17. SmittenChicken

    Chicken PMS??

    Our pullets are about 16 weeks now, and I'm noticing some interesting behavior. In particular, Sesame the BSL has been very feisty and VERY loud for the past week or so. Her comb and wattles are getting to be quite red too. She's never been a very friendly chicken, but now will peck me if I put...
  18. SmittenChicken

    Different colored comb/wattles on Black Sexlink pullets?

    I have two Black Sexlink pullets, about 15 weeks old now. I noticed that one of them is getting very red in the face, comb and wattles while the other has black skin in these areas. Is this variation typical for BSLs, or did someone end up in the wrong bin? I thought this might be normal...
  19. SmittenChicken

    First eggs by breed - please share yours!

    Anyone know of a resource that lists the earliest/latest first egg by breed? I seem to remember someone mentioning one but I haven't found anything. I'm (not-so-patiently) waiting for my mixed flock to start laying, and would love to have an idea of when each breed might start. If you can chime...
  20. SmittenChicken

    Trapping earwigs/garden pests for treats?

    So last year I did battle with earwigs in my garden all summer long, which basically consisted of me putting out cups of cheap beer for them to drown themselves in. This year I think I have a much better idea... The other day I emptied out a box I'd left outside overnight, and found the bottom...
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