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  1. Autumn Mama

    post processing .... questions. it's been awhile!

    hi all, we have 7 roosters in a cooler of cold water, with some ice. they have been there around 30 hours, immediately following slaughter. i need to know that they are fine in the cooler of icy water, as i don't have room in my fridge for that many. :) what should i do next? and at what...
  2. Autumn Mama

    in the fridge two days, now what to look for/

    hi all, we butchered one rooster on saturday afternoon (pacific st. time) and we now have it in water (it was for the whole 48 hours) in the fridge. it is still stiff. how long am i waiting for it to soften up? could i have done something wrong? thanks for any input! first timers. :)
  3. Autumn Mama

    PNW friends: when do your chicks go out to a coop?

    my newest flock addition is now 6 and 7 weeks old. (two sets of chicks all brooded together.) we are in southwestern BC and the nights are about 50-55 degrees. the days have been a balmy and warm 70-75 degrees. i know my others two years ago went outdoors in the mid-spring to early summer but...
  4. Autumn Mama

    how should the feathers look?

    what constitutes healthy plumage on 4-5 week old chicks, specifically blue orpington and blue ameraucana chicks? i would love to know what to expect regarding the plumage ..i have some between 4 and 5 weeks old and i have raised chicks before, but not blue ameraucanas and the feathers are...
  5. Autumn Mama

    old poop stuck on 3 week old chick's foot, cutting into toe

    hi all, i have a welsummer baby, who is just over three weeks old, and a few days back, maybe a week, she got some tough, sticky poop on her foot. it is crusted right on, embedded almost, and seems to be cutting into the toe ... will this eventually fall off on its own, or do i intervene? what...
  6. Autumn Mama

    hen swallowed elastic band ... help!

    okay, so my hen came into my kitchen and made off with an elastic band from the floor. she grabbed one before, i think she thought she found a very fine, albeit chewy worm. when i followed her outside, and grabbed her to get it, she swallowed it. will this harm her? will it make it out through...
  7. Autumn Mama

    how to select blue ameraucana chicks as day olds?

    hi all, this saturday i am adding to my existing flock, and in the mix will be some blue ameraucanas .... if i want a true blue adult, how do i choose the chicks? i am aware that some might be black or splash? or can the breeder only hatch true blue chicks? thanks for any input, sooo excited...
  8. Autumn Mama

    how do you decide to let a sick hen go?

    we have a three year old australorp, who has been struggling for a couple of months now, and as we've worked with our vet, nothing seems to be helping her to recover. and there isn't clarity as to what is actually wrong with her (my vet doesn't see many chickens, despite being a farm animal...
  9. Autumn Mama

    questions about growing on the now evident roosters....

    ...we are hoping to do things better this time around with less stress and bother to the current hens (4 years old) and the new 3-4 week olds we have growing on. Thanks! **and i did post this in "managing your flock", and after receiving no replies, I thought maybe it was supposed to go here :)
  10. Autumn Mama

    4 week old way to grow on for raising to age for eating?

    Hi all :) We have a small flock growing again and currently we are clear that we have two growing roosters. Evidence of the red comb and spurs growing in, and now the hormones are kicking in. Four years ago we had a flock for the first time and mixed the roosters in with the hens when they...
  11. Autumn Mama

    Egg forming or just a large crop?

    Well, my lovely EE hen is coloring up , looking like she's getting close to laying! She is ~16 weeks. She has a very large "bump" on her right front chest area. Is this the developing egg region where I will see her fullness due to egg production? Or is there another reason for the large bump...
  12. Autumn Mama

    Australorp laying age?

    My two BA girls are 14 weeks old and changing their facial coloring a little, turning pinkish-red. What is the average age your pullets started to lay in this breed? They are the sweetest little gals and we love, love , love them!!! I think of all of our breeds, I am excited to see them lay...
  13. Autumn Mama

    I have a question about my Black Australorps:

    When my son and I were scanning my two BO hens to seek out any defining features to distinguish one from another (they were being named, and so we needed to tell the girls apart~!), we noticed that one hen has 4 toes on each foot, with a single toe being white, the rest black, so 7/8 toes are...
  14. Autumn Mama

    Fertilized eggs higher in nutrition?

    I think I may know the answer to this, but an aquaintance was trying to suggest that she thought fertilized eggs were more nutritious somehow than non-fertilized. We were discussing the merits of keeping roosters and this came up. I was fairly certain that there wouldn't be any extra nutrition...
  15. Autumn Mama

    Grit every day?

    We have our flock in a coop + run most of the day, and I have been giving them grit a few times/week. Do they need the grit more regularly, like maybe not allowing the grit to run out? Each day I provide them with fresh greens, scraps, and they come out in the yard to forage. This is in...
  16. Autumn Mama

    Rooster manners?

    I am wondering after reading many posts on rooster behaviour, when *typically* I would begin to notice my roosters treating the hens well? Currently a few roosters need to rehomed (ideally, ) and I am trying to choose one to keep, okay two, as one of them has a bad leg and I feel like I can...
  17. Autumn Mama

    coop from Ikea leftovers a possibility...?

    I have an aquaintance who emailed this coop idea to me, thinking it looked fantastic, and to me it doesn't look like a great idea. For starters, it's not weather-proof (for most areas, and we're talking about the PNW where my aquaintance /friend lives...), no perch, appears to be a potential...
  18. Autumn Mama

    Are you using Red Lake Earth DE? Questions... strictly for the coop management, ie dryness, fly reduction, parasite control as well as using it on your birds? Any advice on this will be *hugely* appreciated!!! We've had a terrible time locating food grade DE here in BC for some strange reason! And the cost of shipping it was going...
  19. Autumn Mama

    Washingtonites, where do you buy your food grade DE?

    I live in Fort Langley, BC and would like to travel over the border to obtain the ever-elusive in Canada, Codex food grade DE. Where are your sources so that I can travel to buy it? I have considered getting it shipped from another province, but the price is pretty, this looks like a...
  20. Autumn Mama

    Looking for food grade DE in PNW, or Canada?

    I am in the Fraser Valley, just outside of Vancouver, BC, and can only find the DE mixed with the clay that starts with the letter "M" It's a long word... I don't want that if I can get the food grade DE. I want to mix it in the feed, dust them with it for parasite control, not worry about...
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