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  1. aswartzalso

    Why do you need to follow up 2nd dose after worming with Wazine?

    if Wazine only treats adult roundworms, why do you need to follow up with a second dose in 7 days? I have used Valbazen wormer the last 3 years and feel my hens needed a rotation of a different wormer so I used Wazine in the water. What are your thoughts on not doing a follow up dose? Or...
  2. aswartzalso

    Crop not emptying on baby chick

    Born September 11. I've noticed her crop is always full. She got electrolytes and vitamins for three days and fed medicated chick starter. What sho u 'd I do? Seems a active and is eating and drinking.
  3. aswartzalso

    Fox attack..wounded chicken won't eat

    My chicken was attacked by a Fox last Tuesday. I been keeping wounds clean and applying antibiotic ointment and seems to be healing. But she won't eat. I've tried eggs, Tina, sunflower seeds, scratch, her food....but not interested. I've picked grass. I've had to crate her at night and a...
  4. aswartzalso

    coccidiosis question treating 12 week chicks

    My free range flock is showing signs of cocci and i began treatment today with corrid. These are two and three year hens. my three year olds had cocci before but one is obviously ill. My new flock is twelve week old and penned near the others. They were on medicated starter until eight weeks...
  5. aswartzalso

    Melting and worming

    Is it a good time to worm the flock during the fall molt. Egg p r oduction is down. But dont want to stress them. Would use valbazen...last wormed in january.
  6. aswartzalso

    diarrhea but not parasites or cocci

    My buff opington has had diarrhea for five days now. She is 26 months. Not been laying. Very watery with white. Sometines more solid but i have to bathe her for the mess. Active eating comb red. Vet tech that did fecal said no parasites or cocci but could be bacterial but i would need to...
  7. aswartzalso

    worming question and disposal of eggs for two weeks

    I just wormed with wazine 17 for round worms. I can't eat the eggs for two weeks. Is there anything I can do with them? Cook them and feed them back to chickens? Feed them to dog? I hate to throw them away. My hen tested positive for round worms should I follow up in Two weeks with another...
  8. aswartzalso

    falcon attack

    I lost a beloved hen to a falcon attack. He had been spying on us lately and Polly being a big girl got trapped in a bad place. Falcon was back again today. All girls are up and miserable but safe. I hope to get this falcon... on my to do list for 2015. I know there are risks to free...
  9. aswartzalso

    sick chicken..but not egg bound i think

    Iris won't come out of co-op..Tail feathers hunkered down..Comb still decent color will eat and drink if I feed it. I have put my index finger in as far as 3 inches but don't feel an egg. Soaking her now Gave her Tums...mostly clear and white diarrhea. Started corrid I have...
  10. aswartzalso

    sick chicken. need advice

    Iris was in the co-op early yesterday afternoon. Up on her roost before sunset. Unusual for her. this morning didn',t want. To come out. I g o t her out but she wants to lay down. Feathers close to body. Tail feathers down. Comb not too dull. I hAve had coccydia in the past but it was hot...
  11. aswartzalso

    where do you place your feeders

    My feeders are placed on the ground outside the coop...leading to a messy stinky area....I keep moving them to new areas..but just really messing those areas up. What do you use to clean up the areas? Do you feed in the co-op or in the run?
  12. aswartzalso

    watery poop...lethargic hen

    My 14 month old Plymouth rock has been losing she is laying down a lot. She has pretty clear watery poop. She had coccidia last summer and was treated with corid in her water. My other six hens seem fine as well as a seperate xt flock of ten week olds. The older group free...
  13. aswartzalso

    should i be worming my flock?

    I am wondering should I be working my chickens? Or treating the for lice? Do I put them on any preventive meds? My first flock is 14 newbies are ten weeks. I did have an outbreak of coccydia last August and lost one hen before I realised what was wrong. Will my newbies get...
  14. aswartzalso

    Something sticking out my hens vent

    My Buff Orpington Rosie has been a great layer. She is only thirteen months old. Every now and then she lays a huge egg that is a double yoker. She laid a super big egg the other day and yesterday I noticed a squished part of a soft egg in the nesting box. Today she has been in the nesting...
  15. aswartzalso

    what should i have in the medicine cabinet

    What are good medical supplies to have on hand when starting to raise backyard chickens? I live in an area where access to supplies is not always available. I don't want O break the bank but some basic supplies.
  16. aswartzalso

    Young Hen acting strange-staying alone-not eating

    I have a 20 week old Barr rock who is acting strange. Over the last few weeks she has become quite the loner. Doesnt come running like my other girls. I thought maybe she was death. But now she is going in the coop at night before the rest of the hens and last to come out of the coop. Her...
  17. aswartzalso

    New Member in Maryland

    I got my first baby chicks almost 4 weeks ago. I will be a backyard chicken farmer. I have eight chicks and will be raising them for eggs and as my pets. I have wanted to do this for many years and finally did it! My husband has built me a wonderful coop using ideas from this website. I...
  18. aswartzalso

    Is it okay to move 3 1/2 week old chicks to coop.

    Hello everyone. I am new to raising chickens. My babies were born March 25. I have some Barred Rock and Rhode Island Reds that I will be raising for egg layers. My wonderful hubby has built me a nice coop outdoors that is 4 x 8. We got the ideas from this site. It is very secure and has...
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