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  1. kej3511

    Ended Contest #11 - Dustbathing Contest 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    My rooster and his ladies enjoying their favorite dust bath spot :)
  2. kej3511

    Drake is singling out and chasing one hen duck.

    The past couple days my drake has been chasing just one of my hens down. He has been pushing her away from the rest of the flock. He will mate with her in what seems like a much more aggressive matter then the rest. Why is he doing this to only one hen. There has never been an issue. they free...
  3. kej3511

    mites ? feather pulling or chciken boredom?

    I recently discovered an unusal amt of feathers on thr ground of my coop. Its been consistent for about a week now. Today i noticed my two black australorps have feather loss around their necks. I cant see mites but coukd they possibly have mites in the middle of winter when it hasnt been above...
  4. kej3511

    Sick chicken, coughing, sneezing, purring, croupy

    She's probably had this for about five weeks now.... :/. Is there any point of her being quarantined if the other chicken is now coughing? Also how long should she be on the duramycin for? Today is day 7 and still has symptoms. How frustrating. :(
  5. kej3511

    Sick chicken, coughing, sneezing, purring, croupy

    I received a new flock of chickens approx a month ago, within a couple days I noticed the one sneezing and coughing. I'm new to chickens and didn't really think of it as a big deal. A week later I noticed her eyes were slightLy watery. I decided to separate and put her in a large crate in the...
  6. kej3511

    duck with skin problems. ??????

    I rescued two ducks two months ago. They came to me very beat up looking probably from too many males and lack of nutrition. The one of the two has blossomed almost a 100%. The other still looks really rough. Her feathers looks gunky, spotty, callaced, broken and just gross as awful as that is...
  7. kej3511

    Injured duck

  8. kej3511

    Injured duck

    Ok,Thanks! I gave her an assortment of things and she seems better. She's standing better at least. I'm,going to let her out of the crate Tom and see how she moves. I'm worried about her feather and skin condition thoih. I used some vetermicyn on her and,hope that helps. I attached more photos...
  9. kej3511

    Injured duck

    So this am we let out the ducks and our one duck was lagging behind a bit...once she reached the pond about 100' away she was hardly walking ...she struggled real hard. I picked her up and put her in the coop in her pond and soaked her in Epsom salt. She's acting normal just having a real hard...
  10. kej3511

    What's the difference between feed and scratch

    Ahhhhh this makes so much more sense now! Thanks everyone for the better explanation and I like the idea of using it to stir up the coop, Altho they do a retry good job fluffing it Up already!
  11. kej3511

    What's the difference between feed and scratch

    Ok please don't make fun, I'm new to chickens!!! I currently feed my 10 week old barred rocks pelleted growers formula. I have read online to feed your chcikens scratch. Is this necessary when they free range and get the pellets? I'm Not even sure what the difference is between scratch and grain...
  12. kej3511

    My barred rocks seem too bold!!

    So I purchased 5 8 week old barred rocks. They were flighty as soon as I brought them home... Which I have them the benefit of the doubt being in a new place and all. I gave had them for almost three weeks now and still can't pick them up let alone get within a couple feet of them. They also...
  13. kej3511

    What's wrong with my duck? Help!

    I don't know how to upload a video from my phone :( It was watery like milk too. I was just told that maybe she has a tick??
  14. kej3511

    What's wrong with my duck? Help!

    I just checked on her and couldn't get a photo :( I did get a video tho. She's not as active. Shaking her head quite a bit and stumbled once. She also pooped a really light milk color. Like lighter hen skim milk. I don't know what's going on. I pray it's nothing contagious. And she's not quaking...
  15. kej3511

    What's wrong with my duck? Help!

    I don't think she's egg bound as she has been consistently laying and unfortunately my area has nothing when when it comes to vets that know about ducks. She was holding it bent kind of hard to describe. I'm going to try to take a Photo.
  16. kej3511

    What's wrong with my duck? Help!

    My female duck was acting fine till I got home this afternoon. When I let my ducks back out she immediately started quacking excessively and didn't go her straight run to the pond but a little off course. She's been quacking on and off for hours. She seemed panicked outside and was very on top...
  17. kej3511

    One duck wanders far from flock

    I recently picked up two ducks to add to the rest if my flock about a month ago. The one new duck likes to wander a lot away from the rest of the flock. She will probably wander around a 100' from the rest of the gang. Is she not happy? Not sure why she would be so bold to leave everyone? The...
  18. kej3511

    Suggestions on feeding a mixed aged flock

    I did take ur advice on feeding growers formula and free choice oyster shells. Everyone seems happy and healthy with that diet! Thank you!!!
  19. kej3511

    Suggestions on feeding a mixed aged flock

    The new girls aren't nearly as haggered looking as when I got them. They have grown in new feathers and have fattened up a bit. I never went around to trying the sunflower seeds, seems all the needed was tlc and some freedom! They actually seem to be taking over the group now! They aw very...
  20. kej3511

    Need help sexing my Pekins and rouens

    As of right now I have two female rouens and two male rouens. I know I have one male pekin, the other is undecided.
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