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  1. modestmaiden62

    sick guinea keets?

    I got four keets a couple weeks ago. I have moved them to a small swimming pool on our covered back porch with a red heat light. I was feeding them wheat, barley, oats. They were doing well, then one of them started staying off by itself under the light. It acted tired, and hunched up. I was...
  2. modestmaiden62

    keeping the chick starter away from other chickens

    I had a hen that went broody ( Yay!!!) and hatched out 5 chicks. They are 4 and 2 days old and are getting around so I have opened the door to the shed and the little family went for an outing. The other hens and roosters saw their chick feed and started eating it. How do you keep it available...
  3. modestmaiden62

    broody hen incubating eggs

    My barred rock hen has hatched out 3 chick's yesterday, but is still setting on at least 7 more. I put the eggs that haven't hatched yet in warm water and they all floated and bobbed around so I know they are alive.My question is how long will she keep setting on them. She is in a wire large...
  4. modestmaiden62

    What breed of chicken is this

    Last spring I purchased some barred rock chicks. As they grew all but 2 grew into barred rock chickens, but 2 were all black but their combs are kind of charcoal with a ting of red. I've been trying to find out what breed they are
  5. modestmaiden62

    Chicken straining and holding it's mouth open

    I had a rooster that when I through them their food he would start to peck at the food then hold his neck up and have his mouth open. I had noticed this behavior for a while then the other day I found him dead. I was just wondering what was wrong? I have been reading about sour and impacted crop...
  6. modestmaiden62

    Save eggs? Chicks?

    I posted about my mistake and so far the momma hen is still setting on the eggs, but I don't know when the eggs will hatch and if she will leave them to care for the chicks I put in her nest last night. Can I if she leaves them do any thing to save the eggs. Such as put them in a box under a...
  7. modestmaiden62

    Help with eggs and chicks

    I need input on what I should do. I have a hen who has been setting on 9 eggs for 22 days so I thought they were infertile. I took them out from under her tonight and put chicks I bought today under her. Then I brought the eggs in and decided I'd test them and put them into 100 degree water and...
  8. modestmaiden62

    New Chicks

    Well I have Lavender Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, White Americanas, and RIRs. I am waiting on momma to hatch out her eggs which should happen on the 17th. I am wondering what a chick that is a mix of a Lavender Orpington Rooster and a RIR will look like? Sounds like it would be a weird looking...
  9. modestmaiden62

    Orpingtons and breeding

    Well I have laying Lavender Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, RIRs, and Ameracaunas. They have been laying for a couple months. I had two Lavender Orpington Roos, but I got rid of one. I have seen the Ol boy try to mate with the hens, but they tuck and run every time. None of the hens squat and stay...
  10. modestmaiden62

    Turned out to be two Roos

    Well my two birds in question turned out to be roos and not pullets. We have decided to keep both and get some more hens or pullets to add to our flock. We have the space now I just need to find some. How is the best way to find some hens? I am interested of course in some more Lavender...
  11. modestmaiden62

    Cockerel or Pullet

    Here are more pictures larger bird tail feathers larger bird saddle feathers smaller bird larger bird larger bird smaller bird on the left smaller birds tail feathers smaller bird smaller bird's tail feathers smaller bird's saddle feathers
  12. modestmaiden62

    Cockerel or Pullet

    I've got new pictures so let me know what you think now. I finally climbed in the coop and held them and took these pictures. I think the larger is 4 months old now and the other is a couple weeks younger. This is the 4 month old: This is a picture of it's hackle feathers It's tail...
  13. modestmaiden62

    4 month old Lavender cockerel or pullet?

    I have two that I think are cockerels. One I was told was a week older than the other when I bought them. I think it must be more than that though. One has red around the face and the other kind of does. I think I have two cockerels, and he will need to go if so since I don't need two. I have...
  14. modestmaiden62

    What's the gender

    I posted a thread yesterday and most thought them to be ladies except one who guessed a roo based on the saddle feathers but couldn't see them well. This morning I took some more pictures. I hope you will take time and check them out and let me know what you think. I do think the two look different.
  15. modestmaiden62

    I've got two new birds

    I have two new Americana. I was told they were both pullets but since I got them I am afraid one is a cockerel. I will post a video as well as some pictures. I hope to hear what you think cause if you think it is a cockerel it has to go back and be replaced. Thanks in advance. In the first...
  16. modestmaiden62

    Mixing Ameracauna and Lavender Orpingtons

    What would the out come be if I added a Lavender Ameracauna to my lot of Lavender Orpingtons. Would the babies still lay blue eggs?
  17. modestmaiden62

    Chicks going back in the coop

    I have 6 week old chicks. They are lavender Orps and have been in their new coop about 2 weeks. For the first week we kept them locked in the coop since we didn't have the run fenced. About a week ago we finished the run and let them out. It rained that day and the chicks just stood out in the...
  18. modestmaiden62

    Adding a hen to the mix

    I have five 6 week old lavender Orpington chicks. I am wanting to add at least one lavender amaurecana (spelling?) hen to the mix so I can get eggs now. It will be awhile till I get eggs from the Orps. I have had the Orps in their new coop for about 2 weeks, and just let them out into the run...
  19. modestmaiden62

    8 week old chick issue

    Hi I have 5 Lavender Orpington chicks which are around 8 weeks old. They are feathering out and definitely in the awkward stage. We put them in the new chicken coop, but still have them shut in with air vents on both sides of the coop and the door open with chicken wire on it to keep them in and...
  20. modestmaiden62

    Removal of an inapropriate ad

    The Fredrick of Hollywood ad really needs to go. I was on the forum a little before 11:00AM and it popped up on the side of the page. I don't want to cause any problems but I really must say God says in His word the bible that to look on a woman and lust is the same as committing adultery with...
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